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Hello Pugnacious and welcome to the family, so glad you have joined us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Smoke.


Congrats on your new member of your flock, do you have any other parrots or birds? I assume this is a baby grey, is it a Tag or a Cag?


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


I would love to see some pics of Smoke when you can post some.

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Judy, pretty sweet that you asked these things. Kinda hoping to get a little help with some of these questions. as you can see he's not a baby. According to the kid that I adopted him from he's 4 and a half. To be quite honest with you I can't tell if he's a TAG or a CAG. The kid didn't know. Althoug I am leaning more towards CAG. I think something that I read on the internet is impairing my judgment. I have some other questions but I will direct them to the appropriate threads. Thanx and I'm quite sure you guys will be hearing a lot more from me.

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Hi Pug and Smoke. Great to have you here. I adopted a 12 year old grey in July and had no experience with birds at all other than a parakeet. This place has been crucial to me and Baxter. He was kind of neglected and with the help of everyone on this forum he has made so much progress! I had so many questions and everyone is more than willing to help. Looking forward to hear more about you and Smoke.

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Believe me Pugnacious you have a Tag, we can tell by the horn colored beak, we know our Cags and Tags, this is a grey forum for gosh sakes.


Glad you like it here as we try to be as helpful as we can, you know you catch more flies with honey than vinegar:laugh: we like to have a little fun too, crack a joke here and there, kind of makes life worth living don't you think.


If you have questions please just ask, as you can already tell we will be glad to help you as much as we can.:)

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Well, heck... here goes... I'm an Animal Control Officer out here in Panhandle Florida. I've been doing that for about 2 and a half years. I love but as you can very well imagine it gets a little saddening at times. I am also an extremely devote husband and an awesome father to 11 of the greatest "children" in the world. I have a 5 year old son named Dakari and a soon to be 11 month old little girl named Amya (Uh-Mya). I have 3 American Pit Bull Terriers (gotta say it right), Blue, Roxie, and Spartan. (gotta say it right). They all came to me via the shelter that I work at. I have 3 ball pythons, Kain, Coco, and Assassin. Two lovebirds, Ricky and Lucy. and finally Smoke. Just a little about myself and what I do. I'm also a Club DJ whenever I get the chance to fill in for my buddy. I also do a little bit of music production for my friends. Mostly hip hop and r&b. But I LOVE and embrace all genres of music. Just a little bit about me and what I do.

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siobha9 wrote:

Welcome to the grey forums. I am sure you will like it here, we all do ;) Smoke is a great name for a TAG. Was he named already when you got him?


How is his first day? Does he seem to be settling in ok?




He's in pretty good. My house has a little more noise than what he is used to. The most he had to deal with before was a 7 yr old and a dog. Me on the other hand, I have 3 dogs a 10 month old and a, dun, dun, donnnn... wife. So yeahs he's a little nervous but he seems to be doing well all things considered.

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I am so impressed. I watch Animal Cops on TV:) and see some of the saddest things and I can imagine you see some real devastating scenarios at times and I don't think I could handle it.It takes a special person. I'd be killing people and beating them up if they mistreated & neglected animals on my watch{Feel-bad-00020080} Sounds like you have a very full, fun & happy life and a great family to go with it. Glad to have you. I think you have a TAG like they are all saying. I was told the difference is CAGs (Congo African Grey) have red tail feathers and TAGs have grey;) I don't know what the T in TAG stands for though:S

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Welcome here. This place is wonderful, I'm sure you can see. I have lots of pets but my CAG is my baby. Don't get me wrong, I love all my pets but there's just something about Harrison (female..you can read about her in my album if you want...click link below)...I always thought I was a cat person...well look at me now...no cats and I'm goo goo ga ga over this little grey being. LOL. Have fun!!



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