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to cough or not to cough?!


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Being a young baby CAG their little brains are like sponges!


Yesterday my husband was eating a chocolate bar and choked on it and was coughing (a lot!!).


And wouldnt you know it Indy started to imitate him by coughing. She does it here and there as its something new she has learnt (im not encouraging it in any way)


My question is how will I know when she is really coughing or just pretending?





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Yes they will imitate alot. Alcazar has my cough and garggle/mouthwash down pat..lol..As for your coughing question.I wouldnt worry about it as much unless its persistent cough and your CAG is acting different in a sickly manner. These parrots are funny though w/ everything they tend to mimic and learn. Very intelligent they are. So look out what you say..haha :)

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Birds do not actually cough because they have no diaphragm ( i can fill you in Nims but it's a little complex ;) ) But as you have found out they are great mimics :pinch: So no worries about your grey coughing.


They do actually sneeze for the same reasons we do, something tickling our nose but those are harmless sneezes. If you ever hear her start sneezing you will want to watch & see if it's a wet or dry sneeze. Dry sneezes are not a problem, But if she ever sneezes and there is an excess of discharge, then it's time to be off to the vet ;)

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nims wrote:

Thanks for the great responses! I just have to watch what I say in front of my little darling! :)


Yes you do have to watch what you say around them.


Josey did the same thing a while back when my hubby and I had a cold and was coughing a lot, Josey started making coughing sounds but they cannot actually cough.


Leave it to Dan to mention breaking wind, I bet that is why he goes out often to walk the dobies, it gives him a chance to let off "gas" heh heh heh:laugh: :woohoo:

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