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New CAG can't get enough to eat


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Hi everyone,

We brought home our New Baby CAG two weeks this Sunday. Since she has been home it seems like she can not get enough to eat. She eats continueously and has a fit when we take her bowl to refill it. I called her breeder and he said that her and another CAG he has have always eaten alot. Is this normal for CAGs? My TAG has never been this way and I think he eats very well and seems satisfied between meals. Has anyone else have a CAG that can't seem to get enough to eat?


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Yeah, it sounds like you might just have a big eater.


What do you feed him? I know if I were to put Elmo's favs in front of him he'll eat like there was no tomorrow. Things like Sunflowers, almonds, grapes, and corn are some of the foods he will gorge on, so I only give sunflowers when we trick train and the other things in healthy amounts.

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I have been keeping notes of post and information relating to feeding and what not. now that I red this I can honestly say i do not know if BoBo is a big eater. All of his food is portioned and fed ar pretty regualr intervals. About every 2 hours BoBo gets either seed, pelett or people food ( fruits veggies etc.. ) in the amount of the size of his head. I do not think BoBo has ever had enough food to just sit and eat and eat. Maybe this might help or maybe your bird is bored, I know I have found myself eating out of bordom.


Just a thought

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Hey Big_Squishy, that is great that you are able to feed BoBo like that. I wish I was able to be home with my birds and dogs 24/7. Oousp! and hubby:laugh: but I own a child care center that has me there early to late and then on call if I am needed. As far as her being bored, she has several toys in her cage but has not learned how to play with them yet so maybe you could be right;)

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