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Researching a second bird


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My soon to be wife has fallen in love with BoBo our 6 month old CAG, however she has it set in her mind that he will never like her and that she would prefer another bird where she is primary carrer. Now I really do not know what to do.


I sugested that we look at a smaller breed of bird that might not be so intemidating to her when it trys to bite. I also informed her that a bit by a small bird hurts just like a big bird only diferance is that the big bird might get to keep your finger or part of it.


We went to our local bird store and she saw an Umbrella Cockatoo. Also a much larger one I believe was a Salmon Crested Cockatoo also named something that starts with a G. They both apeared so cuddely and loveable I am afraid because of what little I know of them that they might require even more attention that BoBo and she might not be up to the task. I hear they are kown for throwing BIG fits when they do not get what they want. Especially since we do plan to have another child in the next few years.


I am also afraid that because I have little to no fear of being bitten that any assistance I give if and when we get her her own bird, might negate her authority and it might bond to me. I know that would break her heart.


I know she wants a bird larger than a cockatiel but smaller than a Blue and Gold. She wants one that has good speach potiential and that will be less agressive than our Beloved Bobo. Please offer any sugeations you have.



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All I can say, is good luck to you! Listen to your instinct and the good reasons you have listed. You know in your heart. Convincing her otherwise.....might be a harder task! :P :P

Keep looking, you will find the right fit for her. A cockatoo can be very demanding. :S

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I would not recimend a too of any kind. Not as a first bird for her. We had a Maximillin pionus. They are very sweet. Not as agressive as a grey. They are a bit smaller than greys. They don't tend to be to very loud at all. Though the one we had quit talking after we had had her for about a year she did say quit a bit before that. They would make perfict first birds. Just remind her that just because a bird has the potential to talk it doesn't mean that it will. Lots of people here all say that thier cags started talking well before the cag was a year old. Alex is now a year and has yet to say one word. He makes lots of sounds but no words. It doesn't mean that I don't love him any less. I love him for his goofy ways and his "singing". If he ever starts to talk it will just be a bonus to the wonderful bird that I have.

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Toos are velcro birds for obvious reasons and they can be very loud and demanding of your time and attention.


I don't really know what kind of bird to recommend because any bird has the potential to bite and I think she needs to get over her fear of being bitten if she wants a parrot, my opinion of course.:whistle:

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I have a caique which we got for my son. I think he is the sweetest little bird. He loves cuddles, loves to whistle tunes, and talks a lot like a budgie. His voice is not as clear as a grey, but so far he has learned Pretty Bird, Hello Beaker and Ciara (my daughters name). He also does some amazing sound effects.


Here are a couple of pictures of him





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Ekkies (eclectus) would make a great first bird, the males more than the females, the females are sweet but you have to know how to handle the hormonal behavior.


Plus you have a pretty good choice in size, solomon island being the smallest, redsided in the middle, and vosmaeri being the largest.


They are not one person birds, they love absolutely everybody. So you dont have to worry about it bonding just to you.

They are not cuddly like a cockatoo (have her read mytoos.com she will change her mind FAST) but love to be held and petted.


I have a male eclectus, and he is the sweetest ball of green feathers, never bitten anybody.

But if you decide on an ekkie dont get one from a bird store. How an eclectus is raised has a lot of influence on it later in life, they need more interaction that formula plugged down and stuck back in a bin.


Here is a great place to have her research ekkies: http://www.landofvos.com/eclectus.html

(Let me know if you want some breeders names)


You might also want to look into Caiques, they are smaller and less intimidating. Conures too.


Here is my redsided:



Post edited by: loyallyroyal, at: 2008/08/30 00:06<br><br>Post edited by: loyallyroyal, at: 2008/08/30 00:08

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I say let her get what she wants. Discuss and educate yourselves on which birds she has in mind and discuss both the pros and the cons of the birds personality traits. If she feels like you don't approve or trust her to make her own decisions she may not get the bird she really wants to please you and feel like she had to get second best. If she gets what she wants she may just surprise you too and see a great relationship unfold. I think it is a personal choice and if it is going to be her bird she should make an informed decision herself.


I am only saying this because my first husband seemed to think he always knew what was best for me and tried to make my decisions for me. I usually just gave in to him because it was less hassle but never truely happy in his decisions he "made" for me. Sad was more like it. I would encourage her in what ever decisions she makes. Sorry if I still sound bitter;) Not intended to be:)

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Here's another thought, how about adopting a well mannered adult bird? I got Baxter off of craigslist.com. It's nationwide so you can go there, too, just put in your area and put what ever you want in the seach box. Parrot, African Grey, Bird, try a few different search words. There are tons of birds that really need loving homes and there is nothing wrong with them. Baxter is so sweet and he was so neglected and cage bound. Previous owners weren't mean to him but they never let him out of his cage or handled him:( It has been so rewarding for me. I really feel like I am making a difference his life and I can tell he loves me for giving him a better life. It is so rewarding I would love to get more adult birds that need a loving home. I check regulary and see new ones come up all the time. Most are sweet loving birds that just needs new homes. Not to mention you can get them at a lot less cost. I got Baxter, a CAG, his cage and the few toys he had for $500. It's something for everyone wanting a new bird should consider.

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Hey there Texas guy ,

You ask for opinions about a second bird . Yes there are so many wonderful birds out there who need a loving home . Some work out to be wonderful additions to our homes and some do not .

My home has both a rehomed CAG , and a brought home at 4 months Alexandrine .

I prefer the Alexandrine because she has no baggage and brought nothing with her , such as bad habits .

If the girl you plan on marrying wants a bird , she really should try to bond with your Grey . If she has a difficult time with him , it could be the same with any bird .Also suggest she wait 6 months and care for the Grey totally , then if she still wants one after doing research , go for it .

Take care ,


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Baxtersmom craigslist can be good, but big squishy is here in San Diego. And if you don't see the post for a larger bird as soon as it goes up most likely you will never see it. There is someone who trolls and flags ANY post for larger rehome birds. I got lucky with Martini in that I did happen to see it as soon as it poped up. I emailed her asap. By the time I was done emailing her and hit refresh her post had been flagged and removed. Forget trying to go threw the local rescue they make it almost imposible to adopt a bird from them. :angry:

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Mary said: """If the girl you plan on marrying wants a bird , she really should try to bond with your Grey . If she has a difficult time with him , it could be the same with any bird .Also suggest she wait 6 months and care for the Grey totally , then if she still wants one after doing research , go for it ."""


Mary this is excellent advice and she should research thoroughly before she gets her bird but it should be her decision as to what she gets.

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Yes , I think she should get the bird she wants , also one that will work with the Grey you already have .Also , no one can control who the bird will bond with, our Grey who we were told hates men , loves my husband . Even though I am the caretaker, cage cleaner etc..

I have heard that Greys do not accept different species into their flock in the wild . My Alexandrine and Grey do not like each other , so it presents a problem .They can only be out at different times , which takes more time , and also it is less time for each bird to be out of their cage.My Alexandrine is so jealous if she sees him on me.All I am saying , there are many things to consider.

Good luck.

Mary<br><br>Post edited by: bettyboop, at: 2008/09/03 13:02

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I agree with a lot of what the others here said. It would be good if your girlfriend could work with your current grey and develop a better relationship with him.

However, if you still decide to get another bird, I'd look at Senegals. They are smaller than a grey, bigger than a cockatiel. They are pretty quiet and also an African species of bird. They can be a bit nippy if not given daily attention and time out of the cage but I think a hand fed baby that was offered daily one-on-one time would make a wonderful bird for your girlfriend. Just one more for you to consider!

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I was going to say that a Senegal may be a good choise also> Ive seen some very sweet Senegals. that can do some amazing tricks. I don't agree that a Grey will not except other birds All my birds get along just fine. as a matter of fact I usually have three of them on me at any given time. My Amazon and my grey play together all of the time. You just have to let them except each other at their own pace with supervision aventualy they will all become flock members. None of my birds will atack each other anymore but its taken quite awhile to get to the point where we are at now it doesn't happen over night.

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The aggresskveness of your CAG could be a stage or a response to her fear, and the scneario will likely keep happening regardless of species. if she's not a confident, calm handler she'll get bitten.

forget a too. these are some expensive, demanding birds (as are all parrots), but toos are by far the most extreme (and if she's afraid of bites these birds are some of the worst, their beak shape makes it worse than other birds). you both need to really read up and educate yourselves on handling parrots etc.

personally, i think small bird bites are worse in some regards, a because the birds are smaller, thus more frightened of you and more apt to bite and bite harder and b because their tiny little beaks really dig in and chew and shred flesh compared to a larger bird where it may be more of a clamp and squeeze because your finger fits in their mouth.

lastly, two baby parrots would be exhausting, both need a tremendous amount of care, guidance and training at this stage, and Bobo would not get all your attention with another bird. and two parrots and kids? forget about it... you'll all end up going crazy and in the end the birds will probably lose out, just stick to the CAG so your time won't be completely consumed when you decided to start a family.

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