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Hey everyone! What is the best age to begin trick training. I have taught Malibu to "shake" and he seemed to get it very quickly. I tried teaching him to "turn around". He does it for me if I show him the treat and do the hand signal. But the book says he should do it just when I say "turn around" and no hand signal. We have been working on it for like 3 days now. How long could it take for him to learn something like this? Is it too early to be teaching him tricks? He is 4 months old. Thanks everyone. And can anyone tell me any other good tricks to begin teaching him?

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"So the book says he should do it when you say turn around " Well did the book say run before you can walk ;) Give him time & teach one thing at a time as not to bombard him with commands.Teaching him from an early age is fine,just take it slowly so he fully understands what is asked of him.

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Remember that your baby is just that a baby. Though noting wrong with starting at an early age. Just remember your baby is learning tons of stuff right now not just tricks. Give him time. I worked with Alex for weeks and never got him to shake. Then my daughter-in-law got him to do it in 2 days while we were on vacation. :P It just takes time. Though I have got him doing other things that I watched him do first and then just continued to encuraged him to do them. He loves to flip upside down. So now I flip him upside down and have him pick a toy up from the table. This works well for teaching his colors as well. He knows 3 so far. I have some solid colored baby links and tell him what color I want him to get. It's really cute and he has fun!

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Tobie does some tricks like turn around and shakes hands and the wave. He can be stubborn though. Sometimes he just stares at me like he never heard it before. I think african greys are so intelligent that they know they have a choice to ignore you if they aren't in the mood. Maybe a more instinct driven bird is easier to condition to have an automatic response to a cue? Tobie still won't do a turn around with just a verbal cue and he's been doing it for 10 mo's or more.

here is a link - if it works you can see Tobie doing some of his tricks.

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Hey everyone! Thanks for all the info...its really been great. I guess I just didn't realize that it will take time and patience. I taught him to shake and he mastered that in about 5 minutes but then turn around he was just not getting. I knew he wasn't any kind of dummy :P. THe book I was reading was called Parrot Training by Bonnie Munro Doane. I borrowed it from someone I know who has a grey also. Everyone on here has been soo helpful and I really thank all of you for dealing with all my questions.


I also enjoyed learning about the facts that some of you wrote. For example, your bird doesn't always do tricks when you ask. LIke if they don't feel like it then they don't do it. I guess I just had this image in my head that he would do whatever I asked him to do whenever I wanted him to do it. I being the key word and not him. I am starting to understand that he has a personality too and it is much like a baby where he really likes to play and play and only learn sometimes! All your info has been very helpful!

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I don't know if you were talking to me about the book. I bought Tami Robars book and then someone gave me her video on trick training birds. She has a series of videos and books for different levels of training. I found the videos helpful because she trains birds that don't know the trick ahead of time and you can see the behaviors and learning process.

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