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What music does your Grey like?


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I've been playing tapes to Nicky every evening for a week now, and he's told me clearly that he likes keyboard music, cheerful youthful vocals (even better if there's a few people singing) and apparently slow rock. He's so cute! He'll come and sit near where I'm holding the cassette player, and tilt his head to one side to listen. Sometimes he'll even try to whistle along! :laugh:


On the other hand, he does NOT like powerful, emotional-sounding voices or prolonged notes. I played him Phantom of the Opera and he turned his back, then got all stiff and started to pin during the great Phantom-Christine duet. Guess I won't be hearing any Sarah Brightman imitations from him...


Anyone else tried out different kinds of instruments and vocals? It would be so interesting to know if this is a general preference or varies between individual Greys. I'm going to keep trying different genres with Nicky (although I draw the line at playing heavy metal to him...for fear that he'll imitate it :pinch: )

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Elmo likes 80's music and disco. She gets all puffed up and chats along to it.


The baby TAGs seem to really like the Phantom of the Opera music...I have some of the songs on my ipod and play it in the car. Thats pretty funny that your's seems to hate it.

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darth_mint wrote:

On the other hand, he does NOT like powerful, emotional-sounding voices or prolonged notes. I played him Phantom of the Opera and he turned his back, then got all stiff and started to pin during the great Phantom-Christine duet. Guess I won't be hearing any Sarah Brightman imitations from him...


Hmm, I have the soundtrack as well, I'll have to try that with Loki ... I'm a huge Phantom fan, my cousin worked for Pantages theater (now known as the Canon Theater) up here in Toronto, the home of the Phantom for about 12'ish years, I saw it 3-4 times at least.




(although I draw the line at playing heavy metal to him...for fear that he'll imitate it :pinch: )


Heh, my main love in music is Heavy Metal .. my iTunes is full of mainly just that .. so I hope Loki likes it. :woohoo:

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Raz loves salsa music and most of all, Frank Sinatra. I think he enjoys the quick beat and the trumpets. 'Course, he loves any kind of music with a "techno" feel as well. All the beeps and funny noises are irresistible to head bob to.:laugh:

Icegudi: Cute video, Raz enjoyed as well!:P

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