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What is your grey scared of?


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Nikko is an odd one. The things that frighten her don't make a lot of sense. For instance, we're redoing our kitchen right now. There's lots of loud noises, the cabinets have been moved around, tools are everywhere, and she doesn't bat an eye. She just runs around what's left of the counters exploring all the changes, and trying to look/crawl into dark spaces. Now place a very small tree branch on the counter, and she freaks out :pinch:.


The vacuum cleaner is an entity of evil as well. If there's a place we don't want her flying to, we just lean the vacuum up against it and she stays away.

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The funniest thing scared our 2 yesterday. Someone was outside blowing bubbles and this huge bubble headed towards the window and I saw our greys bending and both looking out the window and the bubble is getting closer and their eyes just went wide and they freaked and flew off.

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Oisin is afraid of everything. He is a real nervous little bird, and Liath is the total opposite. The only thing that has really scared her so far, was when my kids decided to pitch a tent in the dining room. Mind you that freaked me out a little as well;)

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Tycos not afraid of much anymore but a couple weeks ago I had the propane company here to take away their huge propane tank the guy set up his truck right outside Tyco's window This truck had the big suport legs and a huge crane on it well Tyco saw it as a huge noisey monster with giant legs and a large arm with claws that was going to eat her any second now. she was so scared I had to close the blinds and let her come and sit next to me until it was gone and she was safe again I don't think I've ever seen a bird more terrified. She got over quick enough once it was gone though

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That depends on what you really mean by afraid.


Dayo will watch and make a very high pitched chirp if we walk by him carrying or holding something in our hand.


He will only scream, if you get something with in around 2 feet of him and are still moving it towards him. I once found a little furry toy that looked like a mouse. Walked up to dayo and placed it in his face.....He puffed up and screamed, I screamed, the Dogs ran, Kim came running in wanting to know what was wrong with Dayo.... and I have never just showed Dayo anything upclose again. :P


I view him as being more cautious, as pretty much all Greys are to strange things they have never encountered before.


I has no problem with the Vacuum.


On average, I must place some with in view and around 3 or four feet away for 3 to 4 days for him to become comfortable with it as I move it closer and closer each day to his favorite perching place or cage.


I can usually coax him to get right up next to it by placing and Almond or Apple piece on or next to the object. he will "Snatch and Run". :-)

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Elmo is not a fan of the vacuum, but she isn't afraid of it. The one time Elmo as really scared was one day my sister came over and walked into my room when I was not there and Elmo must have thought that when the door was opening it was me, but then it was someone else. She said he was screaming bloody murder until she left the room. Needless to say she doesn't walk into my room without me walking in first. :laugh:

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Kip is not overly afraid of much. We make a point to walk right by her cage when coming home with grocery bags, new items etc. She tolerates new things quite well. New toys etc go right into the cage and she is all over them with glee. She occassionally gets a bit spooked by black colored items that are low to the ground and she does not know. Examples would be a black basket we have and smaller type trash can. Not really sure why that is, but even with that she adjusts pretty quick. If she does show fear to something we back off, tell her its OK and continue to introduce. We do not back down though even if it takes a day or two (rarely). We tell her "No wussy birds! You are OK" and she does pretty darn well! If something spooks her she follows up with a series of "You're OK. Its OK. Good Girl" to console herself B)

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