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what age does a grey talk from


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We got Harrison at 3 months of age and he was saying "hello pretty bird" and "hello pretty birdies" at the breeder's house...he's now 15 months old and says all kinds of things. He had two sisters there with him and neither of them talked while we were there picking Harrison up.




3 month old Harrison



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  • 1 month later...

I was told that male CAG's start talking earlier than the female CAG. My Angie is a little over 3 months old and I thought I heard her say "Hello" today. She only said it once and it wasn't that clear so I don't know if I am just hearing things. She is my first bird.

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Guest briansmum

oooh it must be so thrilling when they say their first word :woohoo: Brian still mostly just makes baby noises.. although i could have sworn i heard him do the "wolf whistle".. ya know the zwits zwoo one when i was in the kitchen, when i went in to him he just went back to peeping.. so maybe i just imagined it :P

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I have a TAG and she started talking at 6 months. But my understanding is TAG's tend to talk sooner then CAG's. I have nothing to compair her too so don't know how true that is.

She is 8 years old now and says a few things not a lot. However she may say more then I know cause she wont talk if she thinks I can hear her. She is a closet talker.

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  • 1 year later...

Harry started whistling straight away at 3 months old and now sounds like he says hello but its not that clear. hes trying awwww! :P. I just keep talking to him and always say water when he drinks and name each fruit when he eats it. I want him to be able to ask for it later in life. little stress if you know what they want.great idea on the poll by the way

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My TAG said his first real word at 6 months old. Prior to that he mumbled and whistled. Now, at 17 months old, he's a chatter box that picks up new words and phrases very quickly (a little too fast sometimes. :P )

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