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Will she regress??


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You've had Hershey home for about a month now havent you? I'd say you'll be fine. Grey's don't forget you in that amount of time. I've left mine for a week at a time, and the only problem when I come back is they are surgically attached to me for a few days in case I leave them again. Its actually rather nice;)

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I think she'll be fine as long as you have someone to come in and feed her everyday mabie you could get a timer to turn on and off a radio for her so she has company of sorts or the tv mabie. Or you could always get a travel cage and take her with you:laugh:

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I think it will be good for your grey for you to go out of town. It will be hard but not devistating, but if you were to have had him for a few years and never left and then you did then plucking or other issues could come up. Sense you will be going before your grey is set in it's ways then it will know it's normal for you to go away for a while and come back...although you will have a bird attached to you for a few days when you get back.:P

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Your Grey will be fine. I leave town for 3 to 5 days every week. Dayo is always happy to see me when I get home. One thing you could do, if it's an option. Is to call home and have whom ever is there put you on the speaker phone and talk to your Grey.


I do this and Dayo kisses the phone, rubs his head against it etc. They know your voice just like they do their parents in the wild among the thousands of similar contact calls. :-)


I think it will be more traumatic on you then your Grey. ;-) I know I have a hard time with leaving for days at a time too. I have really been trying to figure out how to never leave home again. But, someone must work and bring home the funds for the extravagant lives these Greys demand. :-)

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I'm back! Wow I wish I would have seen all these posts before leaving. Something told me to check the forum. I got home about 11:30 PM last night. Hershey heard me unpacking and talking to the dogs and went nuts. Felt really good that she was so excited I was home. I had to uncover her and take her out of the cage for a few before she would settle back down and go back to sleep.


The attachment really amazes me. The only problem is that when I took her out today she wants nothing to do with anyone but me. As a matter of fact she lunged at my girlfriend when she came near me. Hope that dosent last. On the inside though it kinda felt good!:lol:

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Im really glad everything was okay when you got back. If you are doing this quite often I think she will maybe get used to it.

As you know I just left mine for a week for the first time, I was so worried even though they were at home with my husband who they know, but like you say its not the same when we are the ones who give them all the attention and love.Dont be worrying for next week.;)

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