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New Baby Tiels


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Well due to extraordinary bad weather here and the nest box getting wet, I had to take the babies into the house last weekend. They are doing well. Here is the latest picture, taken just this morning. DSCF0324___Copy.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: siobha9, at: 2008/08/22 10:01


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Lupa wrote:

Awwww... they are so gorgeous. You must be a proud Aunty.


I am a very proud Aunty Lupa. They are little cuties.

With lots of help from Tracy(lovemgreys) I am mastering the hand feeding. It was quite scary at the start and I am still very very nervous that I could do something wrong and hurt these little guys.


Tracy... I am too young to be a granny:whistle: ;):P

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Thanks guys - for the comments about the babies. I shall pretend the Granny comments didnt happen:angry: They are all still doing great. They are getting very loud though:S It is unbelievable how 4 little babies can squeal so loudly whenever I walk into the room.:ohmy:


Pat I know exactly what you mean, my daughter and I are already arguing over which one to keep, I want the white one with his beak open and she wants the littlest fellow. But I'm the mother, er I mean the aunty so I should get to decide shouldnt I?:laugh:

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Awww, such cute little babies, keeper of your babies, babies person ;-) Note: I got the warning on Granny, Gandma etc. But, if a title fits........... :-) The title is no respector of age. :P


Thanks for sharing those wonderful photos. Amazing how fast they grow and change each day, isn't it?

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