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I'm diggin' Beijing!!!


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Man oh man, I've never been a big sports fan except for always watching the SupperBowl (btw, seahawks were ROBBED) but I'm really into the Beijing Olympics this year. I watched a little of the last summer Olympics and by chance I saw most of Michael Phelps's races and really got into him. This year I'm glued to the TV watching all of Phelps runs for the gold. Last night was the BEST, the 4x100m relay. The French were favored to win and one of the French relay members was quoted saying "were going to SMASH the USA" and boy they eat those words. I was laughing so hard when I could hear the guys on the USA team yelling out "Who's talkin' now!!!" when they won the relay. Plus Alain Bernard, the guy that made the comments to the press was the anchor for the French team, wouldn't get out of the pool to face the USA...man, that was GOOD TV!!!


So as of now, Phelps has 3 Golds under his Speedo in Beijing and has 5 more to go...LETS CHEER HIM ON FOR THE RECORD!!!


And Ladies...attached are some choice pics. Mmmmm...thats all I can say.:lol: :woohoo: :kiss:










phelps-michael-bio.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/08/12 07:48

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That was a great race!! After the medal ceremony the anchor finally went up and said something to the US Team. I dont think I could have handled it as gracefully as the team did. :P I wanted to rub it in for them, but then I guess thats probably why i'm not allowed in public for the most part:cheer:

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Nice... I like the photos Berna, keep 'em comin! Phelps is definitely something (my dad is convinced he must be an alien to be able to break so many of the world records- or part man/part fish?) Like Kevin Costner in "Water World"! Can you see the gills behind his ears?

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Did I hear More Pics....hahahaha....YOU GOT IT!!!


As for Phelps being part fish, this doesn't help his case. It's him and Julianne Moore in Annie Leibovitz's "Disney Dream Portrait Series".




Here he is swimming in the water cube




And here are a few of Phelps just lookin good...:evil:





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Im starting to Dig Beijing too..... B)


Laure Manaudou is 22 years old and French, but we won't hold that against her. Apart from holding the 400m and 200m freestyle world records shes a previous gold medal Olympian - expect her to blow away the competition. :laugh:



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HE DID IT...HE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!




I'm really at a loss of words. I'm so pround of Micheal Phelps, the other swimmers in the relay (Peirsol, Hansen, and Lezak), and more than ever proud to be an American.

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