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Another type of African Grey?


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Maybe, maybe not. here is a snippet on this:


Many experts have questioned the existence of the Princeps African Grey. The Princeps African Grey is said to have originated on two small Islands off the coast of African in the Gulf of Guinea. These islands are the Island of Principé and the Island of Fernando Poo.


The debate to its existence centers on its distinction from the Congo African Grey. Many maintain that it may have at one time been a distinct breed, but interbreeding with the nominate variety (the Congo) has wiped away any genetic variation between the two.


Others hold that there has always been much migration between the islands and the mainland that there was probably never any distinction to begin with.


Whichever the case, most hold that if the Princeps African Grey was ever a distinct species it is probably not today.


Today, there are only 2 the Timneh and Congo.

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