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Red Factor Greys???


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Carolyn wrote:

This just breaks my heart to see, as being a Doberman breeder it reminds me when they first produced the white Dobie and now are trying to put the white shepards in the show ring.


Are white Dobes born deaf like white boxers that breeders put down? I work in the vet field so I am always trying to find homes for white boxers that people bring in to have put down for no reason :( I am so sick of this type of breeding and just wish every good person would pull together to help stop it!

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The website is dodgy firstly, and secondly I'm considering calling the number (I'm in South Africa); however it is a cell phone number not a land line, which makes it seem even dodgier!

Plus, I've read that article in the magazine, and it's not actually a pair of red african greys, its a pair and one of the babies was totally red...

I think it was done through selective breeding, if I'm not mistaken there is another thread on the forum somewhere discussing mutations...


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Hello, I just read your post about the red factor grays and now I'm a little concerned. My Echo has the red factor if you'll go to my profile you'll see what I'm mean. Is there really a health factor involved in him having the red factor? You know I don't even know exactly what that means. The breeder made a big deal over it. I didn't care. Echo picked me out and didn't want to go back to the breeder and that did it for me.

My vet didn't say anything to me when he saw him. Please share with me your concerns:(

thanks mary

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Hello, I just read your post about the red factor grays and now I'm a little concerned. My Echo has the red factor if you'll go to my profile you'll see what I'm mean. Is there really a health factor involved in him having the red factor? You know I don't even know exactly what that means. The breeder made a big deal over it. I didn't care. Echo picked me out and didn't want to go back to the breeder and that did it for me.

My vet didn't say anything to me when he saw him. Please share with me your concerns:(

thanks mary

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i think the only health risk with red factor greys is second factor, not 1st factor. 1st factor is just a simple mutation, and the red on their tail has traveled to their body. 2nd factor is were people have got 2 red factor greys and bred them to make a more red grey. for example, with dogs, you get all kind of breeds. it is fine to have two seperate breeds. it is when people start doing selective breeding and breeding certain dogs for example a strong dog and a fast dog that problems start. or if they breed two of the same breed. i hope this has answered your question prrthead

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Yes, this did make me worried at first as my TAG has quite a bit of red factor. Even the top of her tail is as bright red as a CAG (not the bottom tho). But she has quite a bit of red on her legs, belly and under her wings.


I would hate to think that she is less healthy or would more susceptible to illness.

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I Have never thought of any bird as ugly but that red factor all red african grey comes close it look sickly what is it a tag or a cag the beak has no colour to it to me that not an African grey any more its some sort of abomination and should be fixed so it can never breed again just my opinion why do the do such things to birds that are already perfect the way they are. Some people just have no scruples at all to play with nature like that is just plain wrong

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You don't need to worry about health problems in a grey that is showing some red factor. My TAG also has some red factor, he got it from his daddy. The problems will start to come about if people try to inbreed the birds to produce the coloring. It's just like any other animal, breeding close relatives to get a particular trait to come out stronger- it causes them to be weaker and more prone to certain genetic problems. For greys that come out looking this way naturally I don't think it is any problem. That's my opinion anyway!

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