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Introducing Malibu!!!


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I want to introduce everyone to Malibu!!! I brought him home on Monday. He is about 4 months old. I am going to try and post the pictures with this message but I'm not sure if they will work. He is just starting to get used to me and we are working on step up. He is checking everything out around the house and is very interested in what I am doing all day. He is making noises and playing with his new toys and eating very well. We have made some progress since Monday when I honestly thought he was not going to like me at all. Time and patience is the key I think. One question for everyone, is it normal for him to be still be hesitant around me and not want to do step up every single time we practice. I know it is only day 4 with him. Hope the pictures work!

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Welcome to the forum, you will find it very useful. You grey is in a new environment with a new owner so don't worry about the hesitation at all. I am sure you and malibu will become fast friends. All it takes is a bit of time just make sure you interact with Malibu both inside the cage and out. I would keep the training sessions short 5-10 mins each and always end it on a positive note with lots of praise.


Hope this helps:)



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I would love to meet Malibu but I don't see any pics up, if you need help with posting pictures please read the posting photos section in the FAQ.


You hit the nail on the head, time and patience is it exactly and 4 days is not any time at all. Of course he is going to be cautious and hesitant around you and probably will be for a while until he settles in more and you start bonding.

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