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I am NOT happy.My DYH Zons are chewing up their perch.Those long perches are exspensive.I just don't get it.They have like 5 toys there and 3 are wood ones.Once they fall down then what? Not like I want to go buy another long perch for it to get chewed on w/in a week. Any ideas?

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There are always certain birds that can't be given certain perches (Jacko for example will treat a rope perch like a toy and destroy it in a couple hours), but that said your birds need these perches. Instead of buying expensive perches at the store, make your own from pesticide free bird safe trees (check listing of toxic/safe woods and how to prepare them). Btw are you referring to those hard manzanita perches??? if you are, wow, that's a pretty determined birdy you got there, most would rather chew something easier. if they're the long smooth cylindrical ones these are dowels and made of a wood that's not unlike the one on a toy so basically it's just another big toy for your bird, offering plenty of wooden toys and easy shreddables while replacing your current perches with manzanita ones may solve your problem. unfortunately though, chewing on perches is a nautral, healthy parrot behaviour so really, it's just gonna be another one of those wonderful little parroty inconviences we've all got to live with lol.

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I have the same problem with my Amazon she'll chew every peice of wood in the house except the wood toy that I give her to chew I finally stopped buying perches and started cutting branches off my Birch tree and lilac tree and I use them for perches She has a great time chewing the bark off of them and they last for months and months The dowels That I used to buy from home depot 1 1/2 inch and 2 inch one lasted mabie a month if I was lucky Try natural perches this could solve your problems also. A nice branch off any bird safe tree will do and they are good for there feet because usually they come pre tapered so one end is bigger around then the other end nature just makes perfect perches for birds:laugh:

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