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Feeling Guilty!


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For those of you who know me, you will remember I cancelled my last family holiday as I had no one I trusted enough to leave my greys with... Well, I go away next Tuesday for a week, just myself and my two human kids!Leaving my lovely husband at home to care for my two greys.

It will be the first time I have left them and I am having the biggest guilt trip ever!

Firstly, I only work 3 mornings a week and I am at home with them the rest of the time and secondly, they wont be able to come out of their cages probably for a full week as they will not step up for anyone but myself.

My husband will be working as normal and will only be home in the evenings with them, it is tearing me apart to leave them but I owe this holiday to my kids as I missed the last one.

Has anyone else left their birds and felt as guilty as me?:unsure:

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I do Casper. Because I do IT support for an airline I can be sent out of town a lot if I cant fix an issue remotley. I always feel guilty when I go because the birds dont come out when I am gone. I'm usually gone a day or 2 at a time unless we are opening a new city then it can be a week before I get home.


I have always had guilt feelings leaving Elvis and am sure it will be worse now that Hershey owns me. On my week long trips it takes a couple of days for Elvis to forgive me. I hope I dont have the same issue with Hershey.

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Caroline I am sure your two greys will be fine as long as your hubby waters and feeds them for the week you are gone and I bet they will be so glad to see you when you get back all will be forgiven. Josey does not hold a grudge when I have left her for a few days or even a week and I bet yours won't either. Have a good time Caroline and don't feel guilty.;) B)

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Caroline- I'm so glad you get to have a little vacation. I hope you can have some fun and won't worry the whole time about your darling greys. I am in the same boat you are more or less- I haven't left him overnight since he was hatched (2 years this month). I worry about Lyric so much because I'm the only one who really understands him and appreciates him in my house. I think eventually we have to get to the point where we accept that they will be okay for a few days without us and it won't be the end of the world for them or us! If I ever get to that point and have a vacation I'll let you know! Let me know how yours turns out! B)

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Gosh I worked two extra days this week and Tyco got mad at me she did forgive me pretty quickly right after a little gotcha game with that beak of hers she didn't bite hard just enough to let me know shhe wasn't pleased that I was gone for to many days in a row. I'm sure yours will be fine also they may sulk a bit but they will forgive you after all they love you.

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I have left my greys a couple of times in the care of my husband. Liath in particular is quite funny when I come home. She is all over me for the first little while, and then its as if she remembers that she planned on being mad, and she ignores me and won't come near me for an hour or so. Then she comes back looking for more cuddles than ever.


Enjoy your holiday Caroline, Keeko and Charlie will be fine. At least they can chat to each other and watch what the other one is doing during the day when your husband is working. And be warned they will be surgically attached to you for a few days when you get back;)

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