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Musical training

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I am a relatively new grey owner -- my Budster is 16 months old and I've had him for 11 months. He is talking more and more, and I am amazed every day at how smart he is! One of the things he has been doing is making up musical tunes. I taught him to whistle scales, and then he started putting notes together on his own. He started with just 5 or 6 notes, but his compositions have been getting longer! I know many studies have been done involving teaching greys counting, shapes and colors, but I've never heard of any involving testing a grey's creativity, e.g., musically. I wonder if anyone has experienced this type of thing with their bird? Budster also likes to sing songs with words as well -- which I have taught him, but makes up tunes on his own by whistling like a person. On the funny side, he has started barking to scare my son's dog away if she comes into "his" room! If anyone has any experience with this, please let me know! I'm going to buy a webcam very soon and will try to record some of this. Thanks! Vida<br><br>Post edited by: vturner, at: 2008/08/06 03:28

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Hello Vida and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Budster.


How fascinating that your grey has a musical side to him, even making up his own notes as he goes along. I have heard of them repeating a song they heard but to put notes together on his own is unique. You might have a genius on your hands.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful and helpful information and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will do our best to find you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of Budster you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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Welcome Vida and Budster!!!


Your Grey sounds like a real joy to have around. My Grey also puts notes together in varying lengths and combinations when He's just Vocalizing his heart out and life is good. :-)


Looking forward to seeing some videos of Budster!!

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hello Vida and Budster- my TAG doesn't speak (not yet anyway ;) ) but he whistles up a storm and makes up his own songs too. He adds vibrato to the whistles and really makes me laugh sometimes with how into it he gets! Sounds like we have some very talented greys on this forum.

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Hello Vturner and Budster.

Welcome to the group.

My CAG Misty who is six loves to make up tunes and he also has a lovely vibrato. One of his favorites is to whistle a phrase and then he looks at me to whistle a reply. He also has a signature contact tune that he calls out and I will reply. Some of his tunes are quite beautiful. I like to listen to a radio soap called "The Archers" When he hears the signature tune he tries to whistle along to it. He is also a very good talker and can use words in context. Greys are such a wonderful combination brains, beauty and mischief.

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Hi and welcome to the forum. My grey is starting to whistle now. I have been trying to teach him the theme from Andy Griffiths show. I don't whistle very well and it's totally off key and I'm afraid my bird whistles out of tune, too but gosh it's funny:woohoo: :blink: . Music makes the world go round.

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