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I'm Christian. Buying my 1st Grey on the 11th. just 6 days to go. I cant wait. I have been reading a lot about caring for the Greys. I'm pretty exited about having a little bundle of joy. The Grey I'm buying is about 3-4 weeks old.:kiss: :kiss:


I have been looking around for toys and everything else. I really want to give the bird a great home. I'm from South Africa so the birds name might sound strange to you, but around here the name is used in jokes which is Gatiep.:P


I read the bill of rights and I'm going to print it and put it on my wall. And if someone dares hurt Gatiep... I'll kick there ass! lol:evil:

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Hello Christian and welcome to the family, so glad yiou could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new grey of yours.


I assume you have some experience with handfeeding birds for this one is too young to be weaned. I hope you know what you are doing, I don't want to criticize you but I am just looking out for the bird's best interest. If you read some of the threads in the nursery room you will know it is something that has to be done properly.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will do our best to find you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of your new grey you would like to share with us we would love to see it.

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yeah I thought it was pretty young. but I looked at the pics from how they look at a sertain age. gatiep will be closer to 5-6 weeks. but I did read the how to feed thread and I understood every word. You guys are really supportive arent you. you guys rock!B)

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hahahahaha!!! look again! ChristiAN. lmao! Let me put it better... I'm planning on being a daddy one day. lol!


Just 2 more days!!! I'm gonna have a GAC! I'm going to study Natur Conservation next year so I really hope I can take the parrot with me. I heard that you can tell its sex when its 3-4 months old. So its either gonna be a Gatiep or a Marrai! lol! two names that appear in jokes

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