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Baby Finally Home!!


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Hello everyone!My baby grey is finally home!! He came home yesterday afternoon. First off he is beautiful. He is making noises and climbing all over his cage checking things out. However, he will not let me hold him. Now before this I have only seen him 2 times because the breeder was far away from me. He really doesn't know me and I'm getting very nervous that he will not let me touch him. He backs away from me and will not step up. He is even trying to nip at my fingers. I know this is only the morning of day 2 but am I getting too worked up here? Please help!!

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It's early days as Tarnold suggests let him settle in to his new environment,talk to him & reassure him.If you get worked up then you `will never make any progress.He is probably testing things with his beak,babies do this.Was your baby handreared ?

Have a look around the Nursery room,there are some threads that may come in useful with your new baby.

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Open the door and let him come out on his own. Than just talk to him softly or read out loud sitting with him. all baby's test with their beaks before they step up that doesný mean they will bite you. son't show stress be happy love him interact with him he will soon come around. And congradulaions don't forget o post some pictures soon

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Is he fully weaned? I needed to continue to feed ours for about 3 weeks so I suppose he relied on human contact. I am NOT experienced with birds being nervous upon arrival. I suppose we were lucky about it. I am wondering if you hold your hand still with a treat if he will calm and move in to check it out. Maybe even pretend to eat and enjoy it first while being only slightly higher than him rather than hovering over with too tall a frame. If that makes since.

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