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She just won't bite me


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I have had Josey for close to 2 years now, I got her in September of 2006 and she is 26 months old and I can say she has never bitten me, not a drop of blood have I shed because of her.


She has pushed me away from time to time and that is a nudge with her beak and she has beaked me occasionally but she has never broken the skin much ss made me bleed. Of course I avoid situations where she may have reason to bite but she just does not bear down and I will give one example.


I can play with Josey on my shoulder by putting my hand under my shirt and she will go after it like it is something to attack and bite down hard but the moment I bring my hand out from under the shirt she lightens up when she brushes against my bare skin.


I know the day will come when she will deliver a nasty bite and I don't look forward to it but for now she has been very easy on me. She kind of has a "soft mouth" as my hubby would put it, thats what you call a trait in a good retriever dog, that means the dog doesn't put much pressure on the prey it picks up, it just uses what is necessary to hold the bird and not crush it.

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Yes I do and I never thought of it as bragging as I am not, just stating a fact since so many members have a problem with their greys inflicting nasty bites, she just hasn't delivered one yet.


No really I just want to join Dan's Bite Me Club so bad it is killing me:woohoo: :whistle: :laugh: :blink: :lol:

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judygram wrote:

No really I just want to join Dan's Bite Me Club so bad it is killing me:woohoo: :whistle: :laugh: :blink: :lol:


No Problem Judy. Just start trying to get Josey when you know her body language is telling you to "Back Off". You will then be a full member of the "Bite Me" Club. :-)


Of course, there is one catch to the bite me club, it's blood in and blood out...... ;-)


Buuuuuaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahaha - in my best Dracula laugh. :-)


You are blessed that Josey is so gentle with her powerful beak. There are many here that wished they had that problem. :-)

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Hershey started biting a little. You can feel the pressure but she has not drawn blood. I can always tell when its coming cause she acts excited and makes her baby noises right before she tries to get me. So far turning my back has not worked but she has only been doing it for a couple of days

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i think it depends soley on the character of your bird, although the 'terrible twos' and puberty does increase your chances of getting bit. judy, you are very lucky!

i have a relatively 'soft mouth' grey myself (get bitten more by the female tiel!) and they are a treat! that said, you probably will never get mangled like some of the others, but there will be at least one good bite in store for you over the next 60 years :P! I've already got mine and a weird little cyclops smiley face (lol well, that's wat it looks like, a smiley face minus one eyeball) scar on my left hand to prove it. (it didn't actually bleed though, that was the weird thing)

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I am happy to say that Tyco my rescue has never drawn blood and last night she proved to me that she can be as gentle as a lamb. We were playing our usual game of her peeking her head out of the door of her cage so I can't close it to put her to bed. She puts her head down really low for a head scritch and then lets me scratch her for about 10 seconds and then turns her head really quik to see if she can get me. Well usually I'm faster than her and she misses but last night she got me and as soon as she had my finger in her beak she let go no preasure no bite. she has just been playing with me all this time and I tought she wanted to bite me and all she wants todo is play gotcha she is just so much fun these days she allow me to scritch her neck over and over before bed she actually stepped up onto my hand intead of my arm the otherday. the progress in this last month has been leaps and bounds over anything in the past Now I know she won't bite me hard which is great we can start having lots of fun together.:laugh:

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I am happy to say that Tyco my rescue has never drawn blood and last night she proved to me that she can be as gentle as a lamb. We were playing our usual game of her peeking her head out of the door of her cage so I can't close it to put her to bed. She puts her head down really low for a head scritch and then lets me scratch her for about 10 seconds and then turns her head really quik to see if she can get me. Well usually I'm faster than her and she misses but last night she got me and as soon as she had my finger in her beak she let go no preasure no bite. she has just been playing with me all this time and I tought she wanted to bite me and all she wants todo is play gotcha she is just so much fun these days she allow me to scritch her neck over and over before bed she actually stepped up onto my hand intead of my arm the otherday. the progress in this last month has been leaps and bounds over anything in the past Now I know she won't bite me hard which is great we can start having lots of fun together.:laugh:

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Oh no Kitty, did you knock on wood when you said that, you must not have:S :lol: :whistle:


Pat that is great news, you thought she was out to bite you and all she wanted was to play a game, you really are working wonders with this rescue.

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Oh dear - hope it wasn't too much blood kitty!

Zahzu has only ever drawn blood twice when she was a baby - even when we had a horrible vet examine her and she bit him she didn't draw blood (she really should have in my opinion though!) ;-)


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Elmo is 1 year 5 months old now and I have had her sense she was 6 weeks and I've only been bit once. Elmo was on top of her cage while I was working on the finch cages (putting in new nest boxes) when my male owl finch got out as always. He started dive-bombing Elmo and she went into kill mode. I reached up to grab her and she knicked the top of my hand. It wasn't a "nasty bite" by any means, but there was a little bit of broken skin. I grabed her with a towel and put her in the bathtub. I shut the door to keep the finch out till I was able to catch the finch and as soon as he was secure back in the cage I went back in the bathroom and there was Elmo looking at with with these "what jut happened" eyes. I don't know if she even bite me though, she might have just poked the skin with the tip of her beak because their wasn't the usual bite mark but just a dot where the skin was scraped.


I play "got yur face" with Elmo and she will pretend that she is attacking my hand while I grab at her beak but she is so gentle when she gets me it's unreal. She will do the same thing with my face and just drag her beak across my skin. The games normally end with a nice "gurg" for me which is nice:sick: :kiss:


We must be lucky Judy...we have very sweet birds. I say we say the heck with Dan's Bite Me Club and start a "Sweet as Pie" club of our own. :woohoo: :laugh: B) TAKE THAT DAN!!! MUUUHAHAHAHAHAHHAA<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/08/08 07:30

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I agree by the looks of thing this last month Tyco and I will be able to join that club tonight we were having our little scritching session again and like I said before she wants to play gothca but she doesn't put any pressure just holds my finger in her mouth for a moment well tonight I said to her not gotcha game ok and she didn't even try she just put her head down for a skritch and she did turn her head but didn't try to grab she just wanted me to scratch that side of her face I guess so thats what I did she also stepped up onto my hand tonight from her cage thats a first usuualy I have to get a perch step her up and then transfer her onto my arm but tonight no perch she stepped right up I think I've finally earned her total trust and she's showing me just what kind of woderful bird she can be I just so pleased with this. yeah YEAH YIPPIE:laugh: :woohoo: :laugh: :silly::laugh:

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Awww Judy, it sounds like Josey wuvs you :P


I think every good nip I get from Bella I deserve because we horse around a good deal.


I think today is one of those days were I'm going to be in for a good nip because she's sitting on my laptop screen again and she wants to play "bing" which is where I play poke her belly and say "bing!". She gets a real charge out of that. If I stop doing it she starts bobbing around going "bing! bing! bing!" and we do it again.


The only problem is she tries to bite my finger when I poke her belly and she's nicked me already a couple of times! :blink:


She looks like such a goof bobbing and weaving around going "bing! bing! bing!" :laugh:

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