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What was the youngest age when your bird first spoke?


What is your birds largest vocabulary? (How many words?)


How many words in your birds longest sentence or phrase?


Thankee for your input!:silly: ;)

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Danmcq did a poll a while back on talking, and age. Here is the link to it ;)



As for vocabulary, I have no idea how many words phrases Liath says, some things she only says a couple of times and others she says for a few months and then seems to forget or stop using.


Her longest sentence is probably "Aw Do you need a doctor?" usually said after someone, even herself, coughs or sneezes:)

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Mel my two boys spoke around 5 months,but as your aware it can be from as early as 4 months upwards but this is not so common,6 months onwards really.Every grey will vary & there is no guarantee they will mimic speech.


The longest sentence mine can string together is..


give us a kiss or what ya doing :silly:

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I think Tyco's longest phrase is yum yum Chicken want some there ya go She says it everytime I'm cooking chicken for dinner. Her next longest is no barking go lay down. as far as how many words and Phrases she say's I have no Idea she talks constantly and comes out with new thing on a daily basis her newest is oh boy that to bad. Most of the time I don't even know where she has heard the stuff she comes out with. I guess its from the kids outside. I keep the windows open alot latley so you can hear the neibourhood kids playing. Don't worry all my windows have screens in them.

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mel monty is 4 1/2 months old and he occasionally says hello!! and something that sounds like 'what you doing?' but only occasionally:) he usually just makes baby noises at the moment although i talk to him from 8am until i go to work at 2.30pm

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TBird is making lots of wonderful beautiful sounds. He is 15 weeks old. I thought I heard hello also. It seems with all these sounds he will be quite a talker. However he is communicating with me all the time anyway. Thanks for all the responses. I'm excited about our progress so far. I am able to touch TBird anywhere it seems and even play with a towel. My husband has been working with getting TBird used to a harness. :cheer:

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Hi Mel! Despite how much I talk to him and the amount of attention he gets, my TAG refuses so far to speak to me. He will be 2 at the end of August. He can whistle beautifully and makes lots of noises like the microwave beep or my dog burping. I would so LOVE it if he'd start talking but I know not every grey will and if he never does I'll love him anyway. It's a good sign that your little one is speaking to you so soon.

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Yes Jen I was looking at the poll and it was noted that some had birds speak 3,4+yrs. What a surprise that must be. I'll bet they were sneaky talkers or mumblers all along. I will love my TBird talking or not. Who knows we might wish they didn't talk so much once they get started!

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