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when bed-time ?


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I put my birds to bed at 8:00Pm every night except when I work then they don't get covered until 11:00pm Mon, Fri, Sat, but I do turn all the lights off when I go to work so as soon as its dark out side they are in complete darkness and quiet on those nights also. I uncover their cages at 8:00 am birds need 12 hours of sleep or they tend to get quite grumpy.

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I agree i tend to let natural daylight time do the work for me when its dark out and im home which now in summer is never i work nights i put them to bed in their cages and they go to sleep and awke naturally. In winter i keep them up a bit later seeing as it gets dark at like 4pm for a short time. They do need lots of sleep but in the wild they dont get a whole lot of undisturbed sleep if you really think about it so in my opinion the amounts i read about are pretty exhaggerated

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Parrots need at least 10 - 12 hours total sleep a day. When their sleep time is compromised, they can be a bit "grumpy" and show it in different ways.If you parrot's cage is in a spot where there will be people watching TV or talking late at night, don't think your bird is sleeping just because he is covered. Remember parrots are wild by nature, it is instinctive for them to stay awake under those covers until all is still and dark in the night. If it is possible try to have your bird's cage located in an area where there is minimal traffic so that they he can receive appropriate sleep. Many owners provide a seperate sleep cage in a different room but i know this is not possible for everyone.<br><br>Post edited by: lovemyGreys, at: 2008/08/02 15:03

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This will be interesting for Kim and I, Kim works late nights normaly, sometimes until 3am. We're both nighthawks, so we tend to be up until 4-5am because of Kim's schedual sometimes. Also, the only place for us to put our cage is in the Livingroom where the TV is, something we both watch avidly. We also have no room for a sleeping cage anywhere else that would be undisturbed for 10-12 hours. The joy of Condo living. :pinch:


I was debating buying some wireless headphones for the TV, so we don't disturb him.


I wonder if Loki will adapt to our sleeping shedual, or we'll adapt to his and be really really quiet. Which would be a definite change for me, Lord of the Blabbler-mouths :silly:

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Nicky starts dozing off when the sky gets dark around 8pm - his cage is in the balcony of our apartment, which is open. I have a problem though, the light from adjacent rooms spills over and keeps him awake, and the balcony doors can't be closed. I've tried covering the cage but he freaks out when I bring the cover near him. (maybe he thinks it's another parrot-killing device? :P )So the poor baby ends up sleeping late. And no one in the household is willing to go to bed at 8...guess I'll have to work around his anti-cover campaign somehow...

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Darth, if your balcony is like a friend of mine's, glass on all sides and glass sliding doors into the condo, here's what they did when they had to turn it into a temp. bedroom. At IKEA they have curtain systems that you can attach to the ceiling instead of a wall. My friends used their cable system, which is a thick, extremely strong wire, because it could be run around all four sides of the balcony. Then they hung curtains on all four walls. You could use blackout curtains if you want it completely dark for Nicky. With the balcony door closed, it would also be quiet for him.


Zahra, I often have Dorian up till 10:00pm, especially if I've been away during the day and he hasn't gotten much time with me. I just make sure he gets a minimum 10 hours before I get him up in the morning. He usually lets me know if he's getting tired. He has a certain chirp that I call his tired birdy sound.

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Adanna starts to get sleepy around 9pm, depending realy on what time she has woken up.. She usually wakes up about 8am. I try to cover her with her blackout sheet around ten pm, then just keep the noise to a minimal. Although during the wekends, she just usually stays up till i go to bed, and gets u when i do, fresh as a daisy. I know some people might not agree with that, but when im not working during the weekend, i love t spend as uch time with her as i can :)

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Our birds normally are put to bed about 9 but durning the week no one goes to bed until at least 10. Weekends it can be 1 or 2 before the lights are turned off. They are up around 6:30 am weekdays and 8 or so on weekends. No grumpy birds yet. :)


On an up note broomer they can ajust to your schedule. Someone on another forum is a total night owl and his macaw pretty much follows whatever schedule he has. Including taking naps in the afternoon.

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My Tag lets me know every night when she wants to go to bed, so I let her be the judge. Generally she goes with the cycle of the day, and starts calling about 8pm in the summer or dusk. She calls and Says "Time to go nite nite" "Granny go to bed" if I dont get around to it right away, She calls louder and louder and very persistant. She will also Call my Daughters Name "Kayla" if she doesn't think Im getting to it fast enough. My Cag is in the Cage next door, and she doesn't seem to mind going to bed when Granny (aka Granite) starts calling.


Tina in OR.

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It doesnt seem to matter what time Liath gets up, she never wants to go to bed. Oisin on the other hand will start nodding off about 9. I had been guilty of keeping them up at night to spend extra time with me, but Liath turned very grouchy a while back. Biting, lunging etc. I started putting her to bed at 9pm and she was a different bird literally overnight:ohmy: My cuddly bunny was back :) Now unless it is exceptional circumstances, such as my being out all day, I dont keep them up past 9.

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When I worked I used to put Indy to sleep around 10pm and she would be woken up at 7.30am. She would also nap in between when me and my hubby were at work.


Now that I dont work Indy is up a bit later 11pm and I uncover her at 10am.


Never had a gumpy bird yet.



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