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Can you change a Greys name?


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Hi, I got a 12 year old African Grey in july of 08 so i've really only had him a couple of weeks. I totally love him and he is adjusting well.  His name has always been "Homie" and he does say his name alot.  I kind of wanted to change his name to Baxter and I am calling him that and "Homie" both, kind of a transition thing I guess.  He has never said Baxter yet and now I am just wondering if I should keep his name as Homie or if it even makes a difference if I change it? I don't want to cause his psychological problems or anything like that. I was just wondering if it's okay or not okay to change a greys name?

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You could always get a teddy and call it Baxter. Then you would still be Baxters mom!


For most greys their is the second word they learn after Hello, so really for Homie's sake you would be better of keeping it. Or you could change it to something very similar like Homer or Roamie.


I have a caique whose previous owners called Freak. Obviously I didnt want to keep it, so we changed his name to Beaker. Close enough that he didnt get confused.

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I don't know. I think it's possible. We had Harrison for 18 months thinking she was male then we DNA sexed her and found out she was female. We had been saying what a good boy she was and stuff and she was saying it too. Stuff like "you're a good boy"..."he's a handsome boy"..."look at him"...etc etc...when we found out he was female, we immediately dropped all male talk and added the female words. In no time she was saying the female words and she dropped the male words. She's saying things like "you're a good girl"..."pretty girl" ...etc...I hope that makes sense. I think if I had changed her name she would have been fine. She already knew her name and I was thinking it would be best to leave it but I think she would have been fine. Even now if I wanted to change it, I think she'd be ok. She's a good talker and learns vocab very quickly...maybe it depends on how fast the bird learns it. ?? Just my 2 cents.<br><br>Post edited by: HeatherStrella, at: 2008/08/01 02:24

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This is a good question.Tomorrow Im getting two 10 year old DYH Zons and the person told me to rename them because he got them from a friend a month ago and they were confused living with her. He said she didnt even tell him the names and he has been trying to contact her about the names and health records and shes not replying back. So soon I will be needing all your help on names.I will pick out some and do a survey.

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Hi, thanks for your thoughts on that. It was almost unanimous to keep it Homie. He has already picked up new words and phrases in the last 2 weeks and I am kind of surprised I haven't heard hims say Baxter yet. Maybe I will make Baxter his middle name :blink: :silly:

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When I got Tyco she was a boy her whole life and then I found out that she's a girl even I have trouble calling her she instead of he so I screw up lots I didn't change her name but she does say both good girl and good boy and pretty girl, baby girl, I don't know that it matters much to her either way. When I got my Amazon she was 6 yrs old and I changed her name she is a rescue and I hated her name so I changed it. She knows her new name very well now

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Interesting, Dayo never has said his name. I guess I will just attribute that to the fact that most intelligent creatures do not talk in the third person. Dan, hows it going. Dan mental note, you need gas.... ;-) Dan, Dan Hello Dan B)


He does call the Dogs by their respective names though. So it does seem they definitely understand names are attached to each sentient being in the home.


So, changing a name may be a little difficult, but any critter usually adapts to a new one very rapidly when they realize you are addressing them as such every time you interact with them.


I have rescued several Dobermans that came in with "No Name". So they were named according to their sex and personalities. They picked up on the new names very rapidly.


As, smart as these Greys and other Parrots are, I would expect the same to apply.


As far as Homie goes, he could have lived in a house that everyone was greeted as "Homie". :-) B)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/08/01 14:01

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I can't really answer this question, but with Zahzu we've got nicknames for her! Like sometimes we will call her cuckoo and baba, and my baby, and ofcourse Zahzu - so she says all of these names! I think she'd respond to anything we say - because it's always in the same tone of voice-and she knows that she's the only one privileged enough to receive baby talk!


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Of course YOU can change his/her name.


My bird 10 yo CAG was calling herself "poncho" when I got her, but I found out "He" was a "she" so I never said "Poncho" back to her. I now just call her "Birdie" and now she uses this word a lot.

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Thanks everybody...all the posts really helped me out alot. I really appreciate all your inputs. I have still been calling him Homie several times a day but I still call him Baxter most of the time. I think I am going to keep using both names for now and see how it goes. I have called him Baxter since I got him that is who he is to me now and I think he will get used to it and learn it as well as the other new things he is learning. He's really smart, that's for sure. So he will be Homie and Baxter both. Thanks again for everybodys help and for everyone being so friendly. You guys are great!!!!

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