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Hello Everyone

My name is Amanda, and my boyfriend Mike and I recently brought a baby African Grey into our home (March of this year). We named him Stitch, and for those of you who have seen the movie Lilo & Stitch, the name suits well! He's been DNA sexed a boy, and even though he is a little stubborn a lot of the time, we love him to death. He was raised in Quebec, and we got him at approximately 6 months of age. I used to have an IRN by the name of Indy, who unfortunately passed away two years ago, and I was lacking that amazing companionship that a parrot gives a person, so we started looking for a Grey. I could not be happier, he can be very cuddly, he loves getting scratches on his head, and he's the typical chatterbox baby bird. About the only complaint I have is that he has learned how to scream, and it's incredibly annoying and extremely loud. I have a feeling he picked it up from hearing the seagulls at our old apartment, and it's so obnoxious but I can't get him to quit. If anyone has any suggestions that would be great... Anyway, that's a long winded intro, look forward to contributing and talking with you all!!:cheer:

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Hey Amanda,

Welcome!!!! I am also new but wanted to say HI. In addition to my grey, I also have a spectacled amazon and a moluccan cockatoo (talk about loud). When Rocky, my moluccan screams, I ignore him or will go and whisper to him. He has to stop screaming to hear me and will come over and whisper back. When he is quiet and being good boy is when he gets to come out to play. Screaming gets him the cold shoulder and I do think he is getting it! Give it a shot..... Also maybe try some new toys that require "solving" with movable parts and bright colors. Another idea is getting some "Foraging" toys in which to hide food. That satisfies their need to forage like they do in the wild...worth a try!


Lanibird :-D

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Thanks Lanibird... sounds like some good ideas. I have tried ignoring him, I've tried entertaining him, feeding him more... nothing seems to work. I don't even think it's about getting attention half the time, I think he just plain knows it annoys me and thinks that's entertaining!! Haha... I will try getting him a more interesting toy, he's got quite a few, but he more enjoys destroying than playing, as I'm sure everyone's bird does. But thanks for the tips, we're heading to the store to get him some pellets tonight so maybe I'll pick up a new toy for him. B)

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Hello Amanda and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Stitch.


The grandkids sometimes watch that show, Lilo and Stitch so I am familiar with it, but the biggest hit with them is Spongebob Squarepants and I have caught Josey doing that laugh of his:blink: :lol:


Take a little time and read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have. We will do our best to find some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Stitch you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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Hi Amanda! Yes, unfortunately the best advice for a screaming bird is to ignore it. It can be hard to do but if you pay attention they will think you are rewarding them and continue the behaviour.

Lanibird gave some good advice above as well- I'd try the new toys- keeping Stitch busy may reduce his screaming somewhat. But don't give him the new toys while he's screaming! Best of luck to you.

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hi welcome I find the birds will move on to something else if you don't respond to what they are saying try to introduce him to something more to your likeing and make a big fuss when he learns it and completely ignore thhe screaming if he gets a reaction he will never stop

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