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Bird Room/Sleep cage


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You probably think I'm crazy for asking all these questions but I really want to do what is best for my birds. I have been reading a lot here about all kinds of things which is so great. Thank God for the forum:)

I have read about some of you having bird rooms or sleep cages for your birds. Are the bird rooms an extra bedroom that you converted over? And I'm guessing that it's a great place for the birds to just hang out and be birds and their sleep cages are in there, right?

Well, my question is I have two guest bedrooms for when we have overnight guests, long weekends, and just whatever. This does not happen often but I do love having the family all together, if I was to make one of the rooms for my birds to sleep in so we don't wake them on work days how would that effect them if I have to move them out of the room while I have family here?

;)<br><br>Post edited by: prrthead, at: 2008/07/30 16:57

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Never apologize for asking questions! That's how we all learn here from each other. I don't have a bird room, I wish I did, as I have 4 birds...:S But I do have a sleep cage in my bedroom for one of my greys. It doesn't seem to bother her too much if I am making noise in my room, but if I am up most the night, she doesn't sleep as well, and will be tired the next day. But that doesn't happen too often. My other birds sleep downstairs in the den in their regular cages, covered at night.

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Thanks Talon. If I put him in my bedroom to sleep, wouldn't the alarm clocks in the morning scare him and wake him up? We have a open floor plan which means the family room and kitchen are all together with a dining room off of these. My husband gets up early for work,

5:30-6:00am is not the most quietest person you'll ever meet:blush: Echo's cage is in the family room so my husband thrashing around in the kitchen I'm sure wakes him up. When my husband leaves I'm right behind him making breakest for the birds, dogs and then me.:) I don't know I guess the way things are right now is working. I thought maybe there was a better way. Thanks again.

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:laugh: Im here Toni :P


Well i have 4 greys & they live in their own bird room, a slightly different scenario from what your considering.It is a room that is adjacent to our lounge with a connecting aviary door.The room is 100 % theirs,designed for them,I couldn't convert it back to a functioning room like you have said you would do.Mine dont have cages,they have various perches etc.. in the room.If you want the room just for them to sleep in their cages i dont see a problem,if you want them to chill in the room & play then it would have to be turned in to a bird room. These pictures will give you a little idea on a bird room




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WOW,lovemyGreys,that is a wonderful bird room{Feel-good-0002006B} but you are right that is not actually what I was thinking. I was thinking I'd use a bedroom for them to sleep in so they would get the rest they need. I was concerned about moving them back to the family room to sleep when we had family over. What are you thoughts on that?:huh:

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I do use a radio to wake up to, so it doesn't scare her. But as soon as I go downstairs, no matter how quiet I am, my cag hears me and wants me to get her up! I don't, and eventually she quiets down and waits for me.

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HEHE.... Isn't your Grey your alarm clock??? Personally I hate the days around June 22nd because my CAG starts singing before the sun comes out... Thus being my alarm clock :S On a side note... one of the first sounds of me that my CAG mimicked was the waking / yawning sound I make when I get up... I think the next sound she mimicked was a fart <exact sound>... which is how I realized that they could indeed mimic any sound they hear, and right away at that. :laugh:


With my cage free bird... One of the biggest messes I have to deal with is created because she will sleep in a lot of different places (though she definitely has her favorite spots) and because of this the area she chooses may not have any paper under it to catch her droppings. :sick:

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I don't see a problem having a couple small cages in your guest room for your birds to sleep in you can keep their bigger cages in the living room and that way when company comes they will still be in a room that is comfortable to them. a few nights one or twice a year in their day time cages won't bother them a bit and during that time the smaller cages will be easier to store some where else. In that situation I would definatly have 2 cages for them a daytime cage and a smaller sleep cage.

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Thank you Tycos_mom, I would have no problem doing that.

I was just concerned that it could have caused added stress for Echo. As far as my bh caique he could care less:lol: If only he could teach Echo to be so care free and go with the flow.

Thanks again. I will set that up this weekend.

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I tried something sort of like that with our greys having them in the bedroom at night for the months that the sun didn't go down as we had blackout curtains in the bedroom. They flat out refused to go in the bedroom and wanted to sleep in their cage in the living room, much to my disappointment.


I even got them in the cage in the bedroom and they wouldn't settle down and then as soon as I opened the door they flew to their cage in the living room and promptly fell asleep.


Must admit though I didn't persist with this which I am sure would have worked after many tries and a lot of patience.

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  • 1 year later...

I have a large cage in the bird room with the cockatiels and they have one large tower cage across the room from Ganesha's cage. I put in really good light blocking blinds so that I can keep the room as dark as possible until I am ready to wake everyone up in the morning. If it was a later night they get up later and visa versa...Ganesha will wake up anyway but she will just chill and eat her veggies or fruit until I come in and wake everyone. This way I can control the dawn/dusk and not depend on the time of year as much.


The smaller cage is in the living room/dining room with the tv and stereo. She doesn't fly right now so she can't get too far even if she decides to explore. Every morning I get her up, give her a shower in the tub on her rope perch while I set up the living room cage for the day and then she spends the time I am working in the living room with the windows to outside the front of the house where there is more activity. The fish tank is there too so she can see them swimming around across the room so she has a lot of stimulation. It has really helped the plucking issue to have two rooms but she doesn't have to wake as early as I do to run my four dogs in the morning, 6:30ish.


I am considering switching the cages and putting the larger cage in the living room where she spends more of her time but she seems happy as she is and I don't want to mess with success right now.

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