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Flapping wings


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This is our first CAG. He does a good bit of wing flapping while holding onto something. We have had other species and I never noticed this. Is this a CAG thing? I'm thinking it is because I did notice a couple of posts referring to the balance of play gyms. I was thinking because of weight but now I suspect due to this wing flapping. I haven't made my gym yet but it should be secure if bolted securely to a somewhat weighted flat bottom. Right?

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Its good excersize for them if they can't fly at least they can pretend. I wish Tyco would do more wing flapping but I don't think Tyco was ever permited to fledge when she was a baby because she doesn't know how to fly. I keep hoping that she will learn to fly from my other birds and from watching the wild birds outside.

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Parrots will often hang on to a perch, the side of the cage,etc... and flap like mad.Flapping is the only way for clipped greys to get some exercise,although fully flighted greys also do it.With a clipped grey it helps to strengthen the muscles.It's like a wind tunnel when my four do it & they are all fully flighted :S :silly:

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I still haven't got Dorian's papers from when he was purchased (my friend is hopelessly dis-organized), but I suspect Dorian was never allowed to fledge because he has never done the flapping thing just for exercise, only when he's startled by something and struggling to hang on to the cage or perch. He's pretty good at gliding down to the ground, but still needs to work on his landings:P

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Zahzu sometimes flaps her wings while holding onto a perch on her play pen on top of her cage - I get a feeling she does it when she's irritated with something? But I'm not sure... reason I say it's when she's irritated is because she'll flap, and then make like she's going to peck at her wing (when she was feather plucking she used to actually pluck the feathers). I'm not sure what it's about really.


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Refund flaps every time he gets out on top of the cage, I think he does it for exercise or to relieve stress. he creates a nice bit of wind. It looks funny because he looks like he's trying to fly away but has this look like "I wanna go but it's scary!"



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He is a flighted bird also. When he does it on my shoulder I tell him "that feels good." What a wonderful fan! It reminds me of going to powwows with our hand held feathered fans on hot days fanning ourselves. I was thinking how funny it would be if TBird was there at the event to fan me instead!

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When Kip was learning to fly she did lots of practice flapping and we would encourage this. Now she is a proficient flier and still sometimes just hangs on tight and flaps away!. I too like the wind generated and am amazed at how much air they push.


I think sometimes they do it for fun/exercise, sometimes if they are mad or a bit spooked etc. Really depends. All species I have interated with/owned from Amazons, budgies, cockatiels, Toos and Macaws hold on and flap pretty regularly! Its a great way for non-flighted birds to get some needed exercise on the flight muscles.

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Hershey does this all the time, mostly when she is on her play stand but has a bad habit of jumping on my head and doing it. I dont like her up there but sometimes I dont realize thats where she is headed until it's to late. She does not seem upset when she is doing it, I think it's more out of excitement. Funny thing is my Tiel never did it until Hershey started.

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tarnold wrote:

Funny thing is my Tiel never did it until Hershey started.


Well monkey see, monkey do, at least thats what they say.


Josey likes to hang on to the side of her cage and flap her wings, sometimes it looks like she is trying to keep from falling but she knows what she is doing, just a good little bit of exercise.:laugh:

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Yes you guys are right my CAG does this also. She sits on top of her cage trying to fly off with it, she does this with her playstand also. My CAG is also fully flighted also but I really wouldnt worry about the flapping. When she does start flapping like mad in her cage I take her out and let her fly around the house for a while.



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