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Poop Stain


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Man I can't seem to keep TBird away from the keyboard when I'm typing. This is the second time he made my message disappear! He likes grabbing pens when I'm writing also. Anyway, let's talk about POOP STAIN.:sick: Yep I said it. It must be unspoken because the search engine was null.:pinch: Do you guys just rush to rinse and throw clothes in the wash machine or do you spray with a specific product which might even allow waiting to wash? Do tell. You can be anon if you want to pm me!:laugh:

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Well, I get pooped on all day long at work and it seems that the normal green poop does not stain, but if it's a colored poop from pellots (sometimes they will poop red from eating a butt-load of red pellots) it can stain. I use Poop-Off with an old toothbrush...it seems to work the best at getting everything out.

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You can try Zout (the squirt bottle, not the spray), Oxy-Clean, hydrogen peroxide, Nature's Miracle, white vinegar, not all at once. Follow instuctions on the commercial stuff. You can tell I've tried a lot and not all stain comes out of all fabric. Others may have better solutions. When desperate and the fabric and color will allow, I have used chlorine bleach, keeping it away from my CAG and rinsing as many as 12 or more times. I know, I'm crazy!;):P

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Like Berna I find that the poop all comes out in the wash so I don't mind a little on me but Josey does not eat colored pellets either so those might stain. I only wear old T-shirts at home anyways and they are full of holes and didn't matter if a stain gets on them for they are "bird clothes":laugh: :P:)

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I'm glad all the knowledgeable women popped in on this one. I don't notice the dried poop until I take my shirt off and throw it in the laundry basket.


All I know is, the next time I wear that shirt, the stain magically disappeared. :-)

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I dumped the pellets in a container. I think my husband got Pretty Pellets.(?) I don't have any stains as yet because I tend to it immediately. I was just wondering if it was necessary. Well the poop conversation is in the search engine now. hehe.

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Hahahaha, now everyone in cyber space knows I'm a port-o-pot for all the birds in my store!


I normally only treat with Poop-off if I'm at work and I don't want a huge macaw poop all down my leg all day, but the poops that go down my back are normally unnoticed until I get home...unless someone lets me know about it.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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If something "good" gets pooped on (like the brand new shirt/blouse I put on this morning), I clean it immediately with those baby wipes people use for diaper change clean-ups. They do a bang-up job, and saves me have to get the item-in-question drycleaned (silk, wool, etc.)


That said, most poops do not stain (except maybe on white cotton). Most times if it's left to dry, you can pull off the poop part and then just wash as usual. If the poop gets ground in by accident, then prespray with poop-off before tossing into the washer. :D

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Oh Berma you poor thing. I guess we all know what its like to be a port-a-potty at some point with our birds:unsure: :laugh: . oh well whats a little poop between friends:laugh: Any way back to the topic I put oxy clean in my wash with every load and I've never had a problem with stains,and my birds eat Zupreem fruity pellets which have every colour of the rainbow and still no stains.

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Oh Berma you poor thing. I guess we all know what its like to be a port-a-potty at some point with our birds:unsure: :laugh: . oh well whats a little poop between friends:laugh: Any way back to the topic I put oxy clean in my wash with every load and I've never had a problem with stains,and my birds eat Zupreem fruity pellets which have every colour of the rainbow and still no stains.

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Hahaha, yeah your right...and if someone is Googling the topic of bird poop removal then they are in the same boat.:laugh: :sick: :silly:


I like to use the Clorox2 in the wash and I don't know if thats what keeps away the poop stains but it sure does keep my whites white...even after being pooped on.:woohoo: :silly: :P

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