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Timneh, Timneh, Timneh!


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Hi all. I hope everybody is doing well.


So, my husband has reserved a Timneh baby for me. One of the babies in my avatar is mine! My question is... does anybody have any advice on choosing the sex of a bird? I've read that females can get into egg laying and it can cause complications. Is this a problem for Timnehs? Is it easier to just get a male bird?







Also an update on Domino. He is doing wonderfully! He's talking and loves his new family. I'm so pleased that the little baby I hand fed is so social and smart!<br><br>Post edited by: Pchela, at: 2008/07/29 22:18

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It is possible for a larger bird to get egg bound but this usually happens more in smaller parrots and smaller conures. Parakeets, lovebirds, cockatiels ...etc.


The thing to do is let the bird pick you, female and or male make just as equal pets and can bond to either sex human.<br><br>Post edited by: Cagal08, at: 2008/07/29 22:44

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Even though Tyco was a rescue and 4 years old when I got her she definatly picked me from the first time she saw me she streached her neck toward me and paced back and forth trying very hard to get to me and wanting out of her cage so she could be with me and this happened all three visits before I took her home with me so even a rescue can choose their owners

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Thank you all so much for the well wishes and congrats! I was a bit worried that people would judge me for getting a TAG after I had to give up the CAG. I almost told my husband to get the deposit back but I really do want this TAG and the price is quite reasonable plus we can make payments! So, I'm slowly allowing myself to get excited about this!


I will continue to update on Domino... I plan on visiting him soon! I'm lucky that I found a family for him who is willing to keep me updated and allow me visits.

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Well if I remember correctly, you had to give up the Cag for financial reasons so maybe money is available now that you didn't have then but in any case please don't give up on this one. You are bringing this baby into your home to be a part of your flock so please do what it takes to keep it, a pet is not something you get rid of when you get in a financial bind.


Thats great that you get to visit with Domino and continue to be at least a little part of his life.

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I agree with you Judy which is why I felt people would judge me. Because I judge myself. But, in any case, if Domino hadn't been a baby who was not yet bonded to me I would have never been able to give him up. My Senegal is totally bonded to me and there is no way and no reason I would ever give him up and it would be traumatic for him to leave me. The same will go for the TAG.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay! If I get a little girl I have a name picked out. Isabeau. What does everybody think? (it's from Ladyhawke of course)


If it's a boy... I don't know yet. I met the birds the other day! So cute! They don't have all of their neck feathers yet.

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I have a girl and she just the best thing that ever happened to me I just love her so much the are the smartest wost wonderful little sweethearts they are so much like kids with feathers its amazing what they can learn when given the chance. The person I got Tyco from said she was a mans bird well I'm not a man and she choose me so go figure she has never bit me either she sure does love to play if she had her way I'm sure she would play with me all day long.

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I love the name you have picked out for a girl! :)


I hope this one is a keeper. Please be sure you will keep her no matter what. :huh:


I have 2 girls, and love them both! Girls are great! BUt then again, I've never had a boy..:S<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/08/10 00:01

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How's Ricky doing Talon?


I have a little girl too. I didn't used to care what sex my birds were (I maybe even leaned more towards boys), but if I were to get another and could choose, I think I'd go with the girl :). Will you call your baby Izzy for short? I almost renamed Nikko to Izzy when I found out she was a girl.

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Well, the breeder will sex them before they go home so I guess I'll find out soon. Of course, I haven't picked a particular bird yet... I'm just going to play with them all and then make a decision.


I would call her Isabeau without a nickname... though my daughter says she would call her Beau. I'm tempted to get a girl just cause I love the name! :P

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