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Hello!!! I'm a new member!

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Hello Everyone,

I have been visiting this site for quite a while and have been charmed by the many "love stories" of people and their greys. I too am owned and loved by a grey, named "Lani" which is Hawaiian for "Heavenly" which she is! My Lani bird came into my life as a 2 month old and is now 15 and the light of my life. She talks, sings, and dances and is so sweet and charming to almost everyone she meets. We also have a 5 year old moluccan cockatoo named Rocky. He is our performer, singer, dancer and overall a lovable clown. Also, there is Xena (the warrior princess) she does live up to the warrior part.....has plenty of attitude but is adorable anyways. She is a spectacled amazon and is 6 years old. We have, also, about 20 lady gouldian finches in aviaries, and yes, they each have a name! Other household members include 2 rescued german shepherds and 2 horses and hundreds of hummingbirds and other backyard visitors! Looking forward to becoming part of the Greyforums family!! :-D

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Hello Lanibird and welcome to the family, so glad you finally decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Lani, what a beautiful name for a bird.


You will have to share some of your stories with us now that you are a member, you should have some good ones with 15 years of living with a grey and your other flock members.


Not that you need to but read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. We will do our best to find you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Lani you would like to share with us we would love to see her and you can post pictures of your other birds in the other birds room.

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Welcome Lanibird!!!


Wow, you have quite a flock there and they sound like a ton of companionship and entertainment.


We love stories, photos and videos here. So when you get a chance, just start pouring them out. :-)

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Hello!!! YES, our flock is a constant source of entertainment and fun, (not to mention cleaning)! But hey, it's a good exchange for the entertainment and company they provide. You are all so welcoming, I am humbled to be so warmly received......thank you!;)


When I have a chance to really sit down and write, I will share some great stories!

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