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Mika's New Playstand


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This is the first attempt at building a playstand. Mika loves it.(but may need sunglasses)


This is also the first attempt to add a pic so please be patient if it doesn't work :unsure:


Carolyn Mika_Send.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Carolyn, at: 2008/07/25 12:58


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How did you attach the swing to the top bar? I've built a few real simple stands, but nothing like this. Quite a good job you did!


All those clocks in the background worry me -- he can't reach them and destroy them?


It appears that Mika can get down to the floor with it -- does he (she?) go down to the floor at all?


Did you use PVC glue, or just push them in hard? I worry about PVC glue around Gandalf, but .. I guess I could do it outside. He loves watching me while I'm building one. I haven't glued any of mine together yet -- it also lets me pull them apart and put them together in a different format if need be.


I'd be curious how it works out long-term. Gandalf loves chewing off the Vetrap tape that I've used. He hasn't liked different levels, so I haven't tried a multi-level one like this.


Most of the time when he's on the stand he's trying to get over to me .. he's learned that if he slides down to the floor I'll pick him up, so he'll get cuddle time. So I basically gave up on the stand. With your ideas I'll try again and give him some toys to play with on it.


Thanks much for posting this!!<br><br>Post edited by: n2fisher, at: 2008/07/26 19:06

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Can you post a full-size pic so I can look at it in more detail? When reduced to fit this forum you can't look at details -- what kind of connection is at the bottom; how the blue circles are attached; etc. Don't know how to get you my email address if you simply want to email it to me..


Sorry for all the questions -- can you tell I'm excited about this stand?


Does Mika get up on the top perch at all? I'd presume so, since greys love height, just curious how much time s/he spends up there.<br><br>Post edited by: n2fisher, at: 2008/07/26 19:07

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Very nice Looks like your bird will have a lot of fun I love all the colours the place where I get my vet wrap only has 2 colours so I stuck with Either blue or pink or blue and pink oh well It cheaper than any where else so I guess I shouldn't complain.

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I just had PVC 101 tonight. I have ordered 30 slip-T's for PVC; it came in today. the size was huge -- looked like 1 inch inside diameter. Both my previous playstands have been using 3/4 outside diameter pipe, and Gandalf loved it .. could fit his beak around it easily and move about it.


Turns out I was using CPVC or some such .. there are TWO different plastic pipes, both labelled 3/4". One appears to be 3/4" inside diameter, the other is 3/4" outside diameter!! The 3/4" inside diameter pipe (PVC), labelled on the pipe as 3/4, is almost 1" outside diameter.


I just did a quick test .. put four pipes together. He loved standing on it; seemed very comfortable. Doesn't have the vetrap on it yet, but I'm sure it will just make it more comfortable. BUT .. he tried several times to get his beak around it, to try to pull himself up to the next level, and it was too wide for him!!!


I sure hope when I get the vetrap on it that he'll be able to grab on with his beak and pull himself from level to level!


Anyone else find this out, and if so what size PVC do you use? I suppose I could go down to 1/2" PVC, which should have an outside diameter similar to the 3/4" CPVC, but .. I'd already spent $50 on these slip-T's, and really didn't want to waste that.

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You won't believe how much showing your playstand helped me out. I just bought a large playstand and it has 5 perches going up to the top food area. The perches are pvc and I'm was trying to get him used to it but he really hasn't looked all that comfy on it yet. He more or less just tolerates it :angry: and I figured I wouldn't be using it much. Then I seen the vet wrap on yours and the light bulb went off in my head.:ohmy: I bet with the vet wrap he will feel much more safe & secure. No wonder why he isn't taking to it. The plain pvc is probably scary to him since he can't grip it real good. Thanks for showing it. Now I know what I have to do. Thanks again!!!:woohoo:

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