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Hi. My name is stacey and I am going to add a CAG to my flock tomorrow(I currently have a Hahn's Macaw, Indian Ringneck, and a cockatiel) His name is Frank and was hatched on 4/8/08! I just left him after spending lots of time just watching him and holding him. A few things I noticed and wanted input on:


1. He is very, and I mean very, clumsy...I have heard both that greys are clumsy and also that this is a myth. Is the clumsiness due to his young age? Do they outgrow it?


2. Is a little nippiness normal for young CAG's? I'm not sure if it isn't more like "mouthing". Right now he is at the pet shop and has been there for a month, the girls say that he has really come a long ways in terms of getting over his shyness and loves to be held and cuddled (which he does) and that he is beginning to mumble and make noises.



Please let me know what you have to say about baby CAG's! thanks

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Hello Stacey and welcome to the family, so glad you have decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new grey.


Yes a young grey can be a little clumsy, after all they are a heavy bodied bird but they usually get over it real soon but I don't quite know what you mean by he is very clumsy, maybe he should be checked out by an avian vet, certainly part of the coming home process.


When you say nippiness I imagine you are talking about mouthing you and not actually biting, greys use their beaks like we would use one of our hands, to check out things and as long as it remains just mouthing then don't sweat it but if it becomes bites then you will have to tell him no bite and turn your back on him for a bit thyen try again.


For lots of useful information read thru the many threads and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will do our best to find you some answers and help you in any way we can.


When you get the chance to get some pictures of Frank please share some with us as we would love to see him.

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Welcome Stacey!!


Yes, young Greys are a little clumsy at that age (3 1/2 Mo). The mouthing is normal. Just like a human baby, every thing is taste and texture tested with their beaks/tongue. :-)


In the pet store type environment with a constant flow of people bugging him, it is normal for them to become a little hesitant in the trust department. It sounds like you had a good visit and he warmed up to you after realizing you weren't going away in 3 minutes. :-)


Looking forward to hearing more.

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Hello everyone! Thanks so much for welcoming me...I have never been a part of a forum before, but I like it so far. I actually checked with my Avian Vet and decided against the CAG that I was thinking about, I'm a praying woman and I heard a whisper that it just wouldn't be a good match for either of us. I am now the proud owner of a yet to be named Timneh Grey! He/she was hatched on 5/26/08 and is fully weaned and now quarantined in my family room. Vet check tomorrow and results back early Wednesday. I have found so much incredible information from everyone here, actually that is a big part of my decision change...so many expreienced voices!


thanks again,


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