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I think Klaus might be beginning a molt.

I have lots of really small grey feathers on the floor around his cage.

He is looking and acting ok - I just have never seen these little feathers before and there seems to be a quantity of them.

Anything special I need to know or do?

My book doesn't say much - just that it will probably happen.


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Well, Elmo is starting her second molt and this time it's more of just her back and flight feathers that are molting out. Her first molt was the head, neck and tail feathers. All you need to do is give lots of scratches (but be careful not to be too ruff with the pin feathers) and maybe an extra bath here and there. I think molting is more stressful on the owner than the bird...esp the first molt. Oh yeah, Klaus might get a little more testy too because the new feathers can be a bit irritating when they're coming in...so don't worry it's not you putting him in a mood. B)

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Try not to freak out as well with the quantity of feathers as I know when our male first molted I thought somehting had got him in the night as there were so many feathers around. He looked really scruffy as well.


What also shocked me was that when he molted around the neck he really molted and I could see right through to his skin and the back of his neck nearly had bald patches on it. I was not prepared for that and freaked out a bit. Also the length of time the molt went on for amazed me, months and months. I thohght it would never stop. Now he has beautiful thick neck feathers.

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Hi Laurie,


I believe just about all our Greys have been going through a molt, satring from dec/feb onward. One thing to keep in mind also, is that the first molt is the largest a Grey will experience in their lives.


They do go in stages as others mentioned already with the larger feathers coming out last i.e. primaries and tail feathers. :-)

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hes molting and whoa do they make a mess with those feathers and hes lasted like 5 months i think everyday and they fluffy down ones go everywhere happy cleaning. mine TAG is still on the last parts of his molt. hes a year and 7 months.

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Our male was 7 months old when he started his first molt. I remember it clearly as this is when the neck feathers started to look really bad and he nearly had bald patches on his neck. Here is a link of what his neck looked like and it even got worse than that.




He aslo dropped tail feathers at that age as I remember putting them in a frame to save them (sad I know, but they were so beautiful).


He finished it when he was about just over a year old and he then had nice thick neck feathers and then he started with the flight feathers, lower chest feathers and more of the tail feathers. That is still on going as I found a flight feather yesterday and he is now 16 months old.

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