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ok i need some advice here, i have tried spraying chloe with the aloe vera juice with no success and i have tried giving her a bath in the tub and she freaks out i got bit real good today while trying to spray her she drew blood alot so i stopped, any suggestions would be very helpful thank you.

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Well, If your bird doesn't want a bath and is biting you... I suggest wrapping your hand/arm in a towel or shirt, put the bird on the hand/arm and then holding the bird under the shower.


My bird loves showers but HATES getting misted with a spray bottle.


I used the towel/shirt method only once when bappy started to make dinosaur sounds to express her desire not to take a shower at that moment, worked fine.

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I found that we had to try so many different things to find out what was right for our greys. We also had to try with different water temperatures. People say they like cold water, but our female likes it to be luke warm.


They finally decided that a plant base filled with water was the way to go. We made it into a game and played with their toys in and around the water, gave treats when they got in the water, put treats in the water we splashed water and laughed and praised them. This took months and months of doing this every weekend.


Our male now hops in straight away and splashes around and we also mist him. Our female is still learning and fluffs up all excited and hops in and hops out and just plays around and has fun. She also is scared of the mist bottle so I just bring it up once and mist her and give her a treat and she is getting used to it.


We just gave our greys time and never forced them to bath, just made it a fun thing to do.

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I started spraying Hershey the second day. I take her into the bathroom and lightly spray her until she seemed agitated and then quit. Last night she got so excited when she saw me spraying Elvis and had no fear getting onto the towel rack. Little at a time worked great for her.

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