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Window crashing solutions???


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Right now we cover any windows and or mirrors when we have Refund out of his cage, we just use a couple of old sheets and drape them over the windows and or mirrors. I also jokingly say that since our windows are old single pane and have the plastic film over the insides of them he'd just bounce off :P I know however the crash to the floor would be the worst, so we'll keep out blinds closed :)

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My birds don't fly into the windows ever Mind you we do something that I call a little adventure and We walk around the house to every mirror and window and I say window and I touch the glass and then I say window touch and when they beak the glass they know then that its solid and we do the same with mirrors we go an adventure tour about 1 a month just as a reminder but all my birds are flighted except for Raja my Ringneck and thats because when I got him he was already clipped. Before his wings grow out enough to fly I will take him on a little adventure around the house to every window there will be no accidents from hitting the windows in this house. If its a really large window I get them to touch the glass in a few places jut to make sure they relize that the whole thing is solid. I have my birds outside cage right in frount of the sliding door to the sundeck and when I ask Fergie if she wants to go out side she flys 40 feet from 1 end of my double wide trailor to the far end at full speed and has never hit the glass she lands on the top of her outside cage and waits until I get there so she can go outside LOL she loves it<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/07/28 20:43

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Thanks for the input. I am stil working on solutions. I can shut most blinds but there is one that doesn't have it. I suppose mirrors can be a problem too. Never thought of introducing to the windows. Good idea also.:)

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