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does yout cat follow you ?

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My cat follows me and my husband everywhere we go, i never had a cat before in my life so i dont know if thats normal,


i dont have a problem with it i actually like it but just wondering :)



Sometimes he keeps himself awake to follow me its cute, my husband gets irritated of him sometimes because of that.


I got him from SPCA when he was only 4 months old,


He means alot to me i never knew you can have this kind of connection to an animal, i had before reptiles but they are not so much attached to you. They like you in a different way.

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Yes I've had many cats in my time and I recently lost one that was 18 years old and she was an inside cat and would follow me all over the house, even into the bathroom. She just wanted to be near me and rub against my legs. I still have an outside cat that will follow me to the garden meowing and rubbing himself against my legs, he usually sleeps on my Jeep, cat paw prints all over the hood and maybe the windshield, that darn cat:pinch:

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we are Kat People! imagine us with 2 birdies. but it works well.


anyway our most recent kat, kitten little, cannot bear to be parted from me when i'm in the house. she sits on top of the medicine chest when i am showering, sits patiently outside my office when i am working (that is where the birds are so she is verboten).


it is wonderful to have such independent little souls choose to attach so completely. enjoy!

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Hahahaha...my cat will follow at a distance and when I turn around she acts like shes doing something else, and then I'll go around a corner and wait and sure enough here she comes!


Kitty is a big ol' fat cat too...but she has the smallest feet EVER! She still thinks she only weights 2 pounds too and wants to walk all over you and boy does it hurt...those little feet with all that wieght behind them!

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I have the exact opposite Berna, my outside cat has the biggest feet I have ever seen on a cat but his body is not all that huge and those claws will dig right into you when he kneads on me. He follows me to the garden and rubs on me and rolls in the dirt.:S

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Oh my Tabby cat, Nikkita use to follow me every where too. Its normal.She just loved me so much. She would actually meow as if striking conversation. They said she was part Siamese too. She had the extra toe on each paw.She lived to be she died a month before he 17th B'Day.

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I thought I would share my fav pics of my tub of a cat:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


How cute is this...she wants to get some sleep.




Look how fat this kitty is...she fills the kitty cab!


002-1.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/07/27 05:20

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  • 3 months later...

I used to have a cat, Jezebel that liked to go for walks in the woods near my home with me and our dog an alsatian collie cross called Toby. Heaven help any other dog that tried to come near the cat. Although Toby was usually OK with strange dog he was very protective of Jezebel. Sadly Toby passed on long before Misty Parrot came to live with us. But Jezebel soon came to accept Misty as a tolerated but annoying member of the family. Jezebel died more than a year ago although Misty sill calls out for her particularly in the kitchen.




Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2008/10/30 13:29


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We had an cat called Timmy, we rescued him from a shelter. He followed me everywhere.NO DOG WOULD PASS HIM. they were terrified of him. He would shake paws like a dog. His funniest trick was to get on the banister of the stairs and drop down on you as you passed.

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