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Hi all,


Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm not only new to the forum but will be getting my first grey tomorrow afternoon. She is being shipped by a breeder in Oklahoma. I'm excited and a little nervous since my experience with birds is limited to my Cockatiels. I have been reading the forums over the last few days and can honestly say I feel much more at ease after reading the large amount of information that has been posted here. Everyone here seems very open and willing to give advice. Hope to share some stories of my own in the very near fulture!

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Very excited, I took the day off and have rearranged the room 3 times now trying to make sure everything is just right, called the vet to make sure my appointment is still on for tomorrow, sat down with Elvis (my cockatiel) and explained to him there will be a new baby in the house. I think he took it well actually, or maybe he was just more interested in the millet I had in my pocket.

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Wanted to give an update while I have a moment.


I picked up Hershey Friday afternoon. She is sooo sweet. I opened the crate and she immediatley got on my hand and went straight to my shoulder. She came with a note from the breeder that said they named her Hershey because she was so sweet and loves to give kisses. About an hour after I got her home I found that to be true. She was on my shoulder and when I turned my head to look at her she laid one on me, so I have decided to keep the name since it fits her personality.


The vet gave her a clean bill of health, although she is missing a toe nail on 1 foot. Not sure how that happened. Turns out she also still requires 1 hand feeding a day which I was not aware of when I bought her. The vet gave me some food and showed me how to mix it and feed her. Cant wait to post some pictures of her.


Sorry for the book guys, I could have gone on all day!

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tarnold welcome here :) I am happy Hershey is such a sweet grey. from your above story she also sounds like she really is. congratulations B)

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