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  • 3 weeks later...

I've seen my birds' pupils expand and contract a lot, usually they do it when they're having a LOT of fun - chewing something or eating something tasty. Especially when they're taking something nice in their beak, their pupils will contract and become tiny as they clamp down, and stay tiny as they chew. At the same time their head feathers flatten while the body feathers may flatten or puff up.


To me, this looks like a sign of pleasure and not a warning of a bite coming. Their facial expressions tend to bear this out. I've never experienced a bird "pinning" in an aggressive manner, in fact when my budgies were attacking my hand aggressively they used to puff up as they charged and their pupils would dilate rather than contract.


Admittedly my experience is almost exclusively with budgies B) but Nicky behaves the same way. (He also contracts his pupils when he's about to use my hand as a chew toy!) At first it got me nervous because of all the stuff I read about "pinning" but he really is not doing it aggressively. He's just...excited? anticipatory? :)

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similar with mine, harry mainly pinnes his eyes when he is ready for a scratch as my hand gets close to the back of his neck and his feathers all go up :)


Just an add to this eyes question page;


what age do the greys eyes start to go yellow? mine has begun but his birth certificate says he is only 7 and half months old and i heard it was after a year.


This also raises the question of what a birth certificate should look like.

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