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which playstand?


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Thanks everyone I was like shocked by how much they cost to buy so i made this one for under $60. The wood is first a hardwood base with poplar wood as the walls/seed catcher and a hardwood dowel across the front so its easier on his feet. The stairs were made from hardwood dowels and i drill holes and made the steps from smaller hardwood dowels. The perches are a combo of an extra perch from his cage and a manzita wood perch i bought. The rest was wood from my fathers backyard tree bird safe as well and i peeled the bark washed it through. The food dishes were the biggest expense at petsmart here they are $15 a piece.

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Rosenzahra wrote:

Did you get this one from Drs. Foster and Smith ?





Yes that is the one I have. I took the chains off and added my own toys. I like being able to roll it around the house. Also the there are two seperate parts(stand and playtop) that you can order seperately to replace as needed. I liked it because it is completly unfinished wood.

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We have several different play areas for Adaya. While waiting for her to arrive, we all worked together to refurbish one of her play stands. She has only been with us a week, but already enjoys it. She is still working on the swing * she needs to get used to items that have to much movement lol*.




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Here's a playstand I built this weekend. I posted it on another thread also. It took me about 5 hours in total and the cost was roughly $50.00. I wanted a playstand fun enough and functional without a large footprint. I took concepts from stands I have seen and merged them together. Its constructed from a plant saucer, PVC piping, various PVC joints and natural sisal rope. My baby TAG, Bobot, is still getting used to the various perches at different heights but is showing interest.




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cdelatorrejr: I've never heard of Gorilla tape....glue yes, but not the tape. Very interesting I went on their site and MSDS states that it's not toxic. My first concern was the toxicity when I read "Gorilla" since I know the glue is very toxic. Hmmmmmm I'll have to look in to finding some tape. I've used vet wrap in the past and my Macaw made short work of pulling it off. Thanks!!!! :)

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wow those are amazing stands you guys have made!! ive just completed a new small movable stand using pvc and didnt use glue either i noticed it was pretty snug on its own and didnt need it in my opinion. Zuri my TAG has a fear of it so far im leaving it in the room to become more familiar to it i think hes scared because its white pvc poles for some reason hes soo afraid of sticks period i hope someone scare him with one at the store before i brought him home anyone else have similar problem with your grey? I can understand like vacuum hoses they look like scary snakes but its really odd.

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Here is a picture of my new portable one. I have to thank many of you for the inspiration and ideas i would never have thought pvc til I read some of your ideas especially using the bottom to tray a seed catcher. I just used a plain roasting pan haha. cheap and works. I have to say when zuri decides he wants to use it ill be a lot happier im giving him time ot warm up to it.

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I have to agree with the most recent post - great stands everyone! I think our greys will benefit and enjoy each and every one. So anyone can benefit from the PVC playstand I created, I am attaching a link to my blog with picture and design specifications. I documented the design because at some time in the future I may need to get back to it and didn't want to have to start from scratch.


http://cdelatorre-nest.blogspot.com/2008/07/new-parrot-playstand-design.html<br><br>Post edited by: cdelatorrejr, at: 2008/07/25 20:17


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