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Trimming the toenail


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Wait! Please! Let your vet examine him before you try trimming those nails. Baby Greys need those long nails to perch safely. I know they look very long, don't worry about that. My TAG didn't get a nail trim until he was 7 months old. Even then, it was just enough to take the very sharp hook off the tip (my arms and hands were getting badly scratched up and bleeding a lot.) My avian vet told me that they should always have fairly long nails, but the razor sharp tips can be trimmed as needed.

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I second M2MM's advice on waiting for the nail trim.


At that age they are building coordination and more importantly confidence in all the equipment they have available like their Talons, Wings, Beak etc. for climbing, grabbing, jumping, hopping, flying and landing.


If you want a well rounded Grey with tons of confidence. You must let them grow up experiencing all the physical skill sets they were born to use. :-)


I think most of us have walked around with pin holes all over our bodies from those needle point baby nails. We do normally round them off a little after they are fully fledged and perching like a pro.

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You may never have to trim those nails if you get a couple of those cement perches and put them in the cage, it kind of keeps the nails from being so razor sharp. I agree, they need those talons to climb and perch especially young ones since they need the confidence.

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