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Update on Booty :)


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Hi all,


It has been a while since I last posted and I am sorry for that. I have gotten a very FT job and as I always say, WORK gets in the way of my social life. Ha.


Anyway, it has been about 3 months since we took our Booty to Dr. Mader about her missing feathers around her neck, but mostly her ears. She was scratching alot and as you all may or may not remember, he diagnosed her with a Vitamin A deficiency. He gave me a diet to stick with, and basically said the diet he was giving me was what he keeps his Macaw on all the time. I was told veggies, pellets and more veggies and pellets. AND let me tell you, OH MY her feathers are growing in like crazy. I will soon take a pic. The feathers around her ears almost cover up her ear holes now and she is always having little pin feathers coming in. My girl will be 10 months on July 10th and she is singing and whistling up a storm and her first word was "Booty Goo" meaning Booty Girl, but I shorten it and call her Booty Goo. SO CUTE!!!!!!!


Anyway, I hope this is not advertising a website, I dont mean to if it is as I am not going to say the specific website, but the change and the story that I have regarding the pellets that Booty is, I think is very important for all Grey owners to know.


Ok, so our vet, advised us to give Booty pellets and veggies. The pellets that he suggested was "Roudybush." He suggested "Roudybush" because when he was in college to become a vet (he was specializing in Exotic pets actually he travels the world educating other vets regarding exotic animals) and from what I remember his roomate was studying to be a vet but specializing in the nutrition of animals. I will now land the plane. Basically our vet bred African Greys to study but also to help pay for college. While our vet was raising, his roomate was experimenting with food for them. Thus, ROUDYBUSH came to pass. So, Roudybush was created based on our vets own Greys. You can beat that.


Our vet told us before we tried them, "they are plain to look at but mix them in with veggies and good to go".


Let me tell you all being a VERY overprotective mother. We tried ROUDYBUSH and Booty eats them like it is going out of style. I give her a bowl of Roudybush and a bowl of veggies and she mixes them together herself, going back and forth, she will also sit on her cage door and have a nosh. She looks like a little man sitting there chomping on an apple!. Needless to say, she loves them. So if you are having anytime of deficency problems maybe give it a try. I was told that it has everything they need in terms of vitamins. I was giving her another form that stated the same thing prior to her feathers falling out, now I dont know if it is because the statement is untrue or if it is because she didnt like them.


I didnt mean for this to be negative or push anyone either way, but I feel like I had to let all of you know my experience with this.


Best of luck to all and many prayers to keep our little babies and ourselves healthy, happy & safe:)


Leigh & Booty Goo:):)

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WOW! What a wonderful update!! I bought every brand of pellets available to try and get Talon on something healthy. I pushed and pushed the Harrisons on her, as I was told that was the best. To this day, she still hates it!! Won't touch it. :pinch:


I found Roudybush, and that is her favorite! I was very happy, as I have read the ingredients, and it is a very good pellet to feed. I"M even happier to hear it is working wonders for you too!


Thanks for keeping us updated!! :)

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Hmmmm, maybe I'll try some RoudyBush too. :-)


Dayo eats very little of the Harrison's and I end up throwing 80% of it away due to becoming stale after a few days in it's separate bowl. It's awe expensive to be throwing away that much. :S


Thanks for the tip.


It's great to hear that Booty is doing so well.. Stay in touch more often if you can, we miss you!!

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Wow Dan, That is expensive. I mix the Roudybush in with some seeds as well. I buy the mini ones, she seems to like that size the best. I'm sure you could ask for samples from them. I actually ate some when I was trying to get Talon interested in them. :pinch: They were pretty good! :lol:

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Talon wrote:

I actually ate some when I was trying to get Talon interested in them. :pinch: They were pretty good! :lol:


:sick: You're a better woman than me! I'm afraid I just don't love my greys enough to eat pellets for them :ohmy: :laugh: !!

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WOW!!! I am so happy to hear all the trials. I think they may have small bags, I am not sure about samples but I dont see why they wouldnt. Booty LOVES the medium pellets!!! Like I said before she holds them in her foot like a person who is noshing on an apple. Oh and our dog gobbles up the once that she drops or throws away and he is very picky, so.... They are prob pretty good. Oh and I fill up her dish about 3/4 full in the morning and by dinner most of them are gone!!!! Whoo hoo! Please let me know if Dayo likes them! OMG she is sitting on her back perch (perch on the back of her cage next to her window) saying "I'm Booty Goo!" that is new the part the "i'm". Ha ha. Had to share:)

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Just ordered a bag of maintenance and of high potency breeder to mix as they prescribe for African Greys.


Interesting fact on ingredients of their foods:


"An example of this is the inclusion of yeast cell wall extract. Yeast cell wall extract binds aflatoxin, an extremely toxic product of a mold. This mold is common and often grows on wet feed or foods. When a bird ingests aflatoxin from any source along with Roudybush Pellets, the aflatoxin is bound by the yeast cell wall extract and its toxicity to your bird is reduced or eliminated. Your bird remains happy, healthy and normal. You may have no idea that it was exposed to a potent toxin."

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I thank you two for bringing Roudybush to our attention here!! :-)


I really want Dayo to consume a higher percentage of pellets than seeds and nuts. He just will not eat enough of the Harrisons. Hopefully he will like the Roudybush.


That way I will be secure in knowing he is getting all the vitamins and minerals he needs. He eats plenty or veggies and fruits, but the doubt is always in the back of my mind regarding the possibility that he is not getting enough of the vitamins and mineral in the correct percentages.

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My Green cheeked Conure was weaned to roudybush pellets and he is so big compared to most of the ones i've seen he weighs 85gr and is 11 inches long. His breeder would also take the pellets andmush them up with hand feeding formula and feed the babys with it. She says all her babies ar bigger than most. Pat



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