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Update on Angie


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Hi All,


Angie was doing great and getting all her feathers back with the new food. All of a sudden she started plucking again and she is all the way down to being completely bald except for her head. It breaks my heart and wish I new what is going on or what I can do to help her. I've tried everything and every remedy there is and nothing. BUT I still love her more than ever.


She has also learned a few new things.


She barks like a dog

She howls


The funniest thing she says is "EL CUCUY" it's Spanish for "The boogie (sp?) man" and she says it over and over and over and it's driving my husband crazy. My 2 little girls and I can't stop laughing when she start with it and she keeps saying it for hours. I think she knows it annoys my husband. Anyway, I am so sad for my Angie. She is such a character. I don't think she will stop plucking until I get rid of the dog. I think she might be jealous of him. I am sorry for not posting for so long but my health has gotten worse. I can't talk about it on the forum because it's private and every body reads the post. Those of you that stood by me through hard times have an idea. As long as I am sick things will remain the same and hopefully they won't get worse. The thing that kills me is my little girls being afraid every day. It breaks my heart. I love you all.




P.S. my spelling might be horrible as I have a hard time putting my brain to my fingers so I am sorry if it bothers some.

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Ok little out of the loop here and to lazy to go look up old post. What did your avain vet say? Blood work ect was normal?


If changing the food made it stop a while then I don't think it is the dog. Maybe a more varied diet to keep her from being bored?


How is she for foraging toys. Stuff that makes her work for food.


How about a few preening toys? I know my plucked does better if I give him stuff like boxes and newspaper to chew on instead of his feathers.


Sorry if all this has been covered.


BTW love your birds name. That is my name. lol

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Rae, I am sorry to hear that Angie is back to plucking herself again, do you think it has anything to do with your health failing again? You know how sensitive they can be to our feelings, she may be reacting to your failing health.


Rae I am also sorry to hear your health is turning for the worse, I know a little about what is troubling you but wish things could be better especially since you have those lovely girls who love their momma. But you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and do keep checking in from time to time as we do care about you.

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Thank you so much for the advise. Yes, all the toy and keeping her busy and making her work for her food has been tried.


I think Judy you are right. When she got the food you and Dan sent her it made me happy and at that time I was feeling a little better. I went back and thought about the timing between me getting worse and her plucking yes that is probably what is causing it. When I am sick I am in bed and she doesn't get to be on me like she does when I am well. I still talk to her and play with her but not like the way I do when I feel better.


You guys are awesome and I love posting and reading your post. I get cracking up some times. Sorry about my spelling but my brain is not working very well. I start a talking lika this and I then get in a trouble. Maybe I need a Robster Craw, get it?

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Hi Rae, lovely to hear from you.Please dont feel sad for Angie, you have exhausted all the options & sometimes there is no justifiable explanation for the plucking..Angie knows she is loved & has a good life & i know you love her unconditionally ;)

Im sorry to hear of your ill health Rae, my prayers are with you.Please pop in now & then just to say hi :)

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Sometimes even after we do all we can they still pluck.


My Dandy is partly naked. I have slowed down the plucking but have been unable to stop it and he has plucked for so long the feathers wont grow back.


My vet says he is mental. lol Even had him on some calming meds but didn't help any.


I found a couple toys by trail and error the slow the plucking way down. One is the cardboard boxes the other is a round toy with ropes/cloth tied all over it.

But he still plucks I have come to terms with that. It took me several months to find toys that would help.


He is a retired breeder and I have only had him for 8 or his 17 years.


He is still my bird and well stay my bird.


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Thanks lovemygreys I will pop in when ever I have the energy.


Tari, my Angie has the toys with the ropes hanging and I also get the card board roll that you get when the toilet papaper or paper towl roll and stuff them with newspaper. I place it between the cage bars and she loves it. She plucks at it forever. I will try the card board box. Once I turned around for a minute and she plucked half of my bible away. I guess she also wanted to learn about GOD. LOL



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Try the old phone books. They are suppose to be bird safe and beats throwing them out.

Try different kind of toys. I believe you can even by a toy that uses a peacock feather. I must of bought 20 or so toys before I found ones that helped any. Good thing I have other birds. lol<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2008/07/05 01:45

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I will try that. I forgot to mention that Angie is more naked that your boy but doesn't pluck to the point where her skin gets rosie or purple. Her wings don't have any feathers at all and her tail is also completely gone.





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Hello Rae!!!


It's great to hear from you, even though the news is not what we wold have ever wished. I can only imagine how you and family must feel with all that is going on.


It's nice that you follow the forum when you feel up to it and now posted an update.


I'll PM you. :-)


God bless you and know that you are in my prayers.

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