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Please tell me this is just a phase!


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Ok - all you grey mom and pops who have older greys - please tell me this bowl flipping over business is just a phase!!!!:S


I thought I had Bella beat by enforcing a harder to open snap on her water bowls. We had a couple of days of no turned over water bowls. But today I was in a hurry trying to get to work. So, I was putting fresh paper into their cages when all of a sudden her breakfast bowl comes flying off the top of her playtop and oatmeal with blueberries splats all over the place :blink:


I think we both stood there dumb founded, staring at the unbelievable mess! In fact, Miss Bella was so fascinated by the mess it made she had to eyeball it from various angles!


So.. please tell me - this bowl flinging business has to have an end no? They don't do this forever do they??? If you were able to get yours from stopping this - how did you do it??


:blink: Terri


Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2008/07/03 18:28<br><br>Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2008/07/03 18:30

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LOL :laugh: sorry I know its not funny but I can just picture this happening.


Shani is a baby and she throws pellets at me from her perch and loves flipping her water bowl over and then chasing the water as it runs away from her

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Unfortunately, I don't think most of them get over this "phase" until they are much older. As long as the bowl is light enough to toss, they will. I use VERY heavy bowls that my TAG can't budge (luckily he's only 300 grams). All his bowls are heavy ceramic/pottery crocks that are quite deep and hang in their support rings, so the majority of the crock is below the centre of gravity. This makes them very difficult to move. Any and all other bowls and dishes we've used get tossed, so we don't use anything else now.


I laugh whenever I see a plastic lock crock that advertises that it's parrot proof. LOL - There ain't no such thing..... :woohoo:



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Lupa wrote:

LOL :laugh: sorry I know its not funny but I can just picture this happening.


Shani is a baby and she throws pellets at me from her perch and loves flipping her water bowl over and then chasing the water as it runs away from her


:laugh: Not to worry Lupa! I mean if you don't laugh you'll cry right? I think Bella was just as stumped as I was at her accomplishment. Here I was, in a hurry and all of a sudden I have this unbelievable mess all over! :S


I'm wondering if her feathers would make a nice hat or something, I'm about ready to pluck me some red tail feathers!!!:woohoo:

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Oh,my!!! :lol: :lol: I can just see it! Especially since Precious still does it at age six, I hate to tell you. I have screw on dishes as well as sit in ring kinds. My husbad had used a Rubbermaisd plate for her dinner so I still do. And why does it happen when one is in such a rush!:( Greys are SO intelligent there isn't much they can't figure out and do. kittykittykittty

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I think we will just have to keep changing the type of bowl in order to confuse them. I am on my third kind with Liath and she is only 2. So far (3 months) she hasnt figured out how to undo the crock lock one. But she probably will given time :(


Oisin has never tipped his bowl over. I think he just likes his food too much :)


Bella just likes to proves that she is smarter than the average grey ;)

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That is sooo funny! I can just picture it!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Talon ALWAYS did the same thing, flipping all her bowls over, I finally bought the screw on perches with food bowls that hook and screw into them, She didn't like those bowls, she would hardly eat out of them. So I felt sorry for her, and started with the small metal cups again, and she just stopped, and never did it again. I use the small parakeet metal bowls that have a hanger that hooks from the inside of here cage, and she never flips them anymore. :unsure:

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:laugh: Siobha! I don't know if she's going for the smarter label - I think she's shooting for the "most petulant" award if you ask me!


But I think you're on to something - keep her guessing! Well, on Sat. I'm going to do some bowl shopping! I'm not going to get dragged into a food fight every morning on my way to work! :woohoo:

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When I bought new bowls for Winston I got the largest heaviest crocks because he likes to throw things. You should have seen the look on the lady's face when I asked her if she thought a AG could toss it.


He can't toss them so he shovels his food out in protest. I have no idea what he is protesting but he seems to get great joy out of watching me pick it up!


I think secretly he wants me to bring out the vacuum out so he can take a bath. He only takes baths when the vacuum is on, lol :laugh:.

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I'm so glad my cage has toss proof dish holders in it the the stainless steel dishes had a 1/4 inch lip that slides into the grooves into slots of the dish holder Who ever built this cage I have for her must of had a bird that could undo anything because not only the dishes are locked but the door lock with a long pin that you goes into a hole on the top of the cage and into the frame of the door so when the bird is inside the cage there is noway she can reach the pin and pull it out. Its a wonderful cage for Tyco when I first got her she would escape her cage and go around to all the cages open all the doors and dump every food dish she could get her beak on and what a mess she would toss those full dishes right across the room. The cage she's in now keep her being a good bird

The heavy dishes will proububly do the job Thats what I have for Magoo because he likes to dump his dishes also. Its not as bad with him because he also likes to eat off a saucer or those vegetable skewers that you can hang in the cages he really likes those. empty's them in no time. Pat


Pat<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/07/04 08:05

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Nychsa - Bella has made some "BIG FUN" out of watching you scramble when she throws those bowls. I know your frustration, especially with the big mess you described.


Either heavy ceramic bowls, locking bowls or supergluing the things in place are about your only options at this point.


Bella reminds of our children when they were infants and tossing food, bowls and plates to the floor. :pinch:


The other option is to let the tossing continue and let a dog come and eat the food. They generally even lick the spot clean to where all that is left for you to do is give it a quick sanitary mopping. ;-)

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LOL Dan, yes, Bella is like my son when he was 2 years old. The difference is, he didn't make me laugh as much as she does. Bella is so animated when she's into something, I'm busting my ribs laughing!


Maybe that's why I'm not making any headway getting her to knock it off. Now when ever I say "knock it off" she yaps back immediately "knock it off" :S Or if I frown at her and tell her "no, no", she barks at me :blink:


As for the dogs eating the mess - well.. I have greyhounds and they are SO finicky - I'm not sure I could convince them to eat oatmeal. Now when Bella is eating chicken, they are ON IT!:laugh:

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Tycos_mom wrote:

I'm so glad my cage has toss proof dish holders in it the the stainless steel dishes had a 1/4 inch lip that slides into the grooves into slots of the dish holder


Pat<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/07/04 08:05


Pat! That's what I have - exactly like that and Bella opens the darn things!! That's why I'm so frustrated!


Can you believe it, when I first got that cage, I thought all these mechanisms were totally overkill - boy, what did I know at that time!


I may have either created this problem or helped it get to a point of no return.


Bella and Jiggy are the first birds I've ever lived with. So, I was really concerned I do everything really right by them. So, while reading about the grey's intelligence, I really felt a compelled to ensure Bella receives stimulation and challenges. I was really concerned that an animal that smart would suffer if she's not given the opportunity to use that mind.


So, I bought and I make mind teaser toys for her. She has to open, lift, twist, search, unravel, push a lever etc.. to get to her special treats - and Bella, who loves food, will do what ever it takes to get to her walnuts!


So.. in my neurotic craze to keep her stimulated, I may have created my own problem with these darn latches! I know she's at least learned to keep messing with something until it "gives" in to her.


I'm not going to trick her on this one - I need to do something like get those heavy ceramic bowls - do something that she can't "figure out" and is simply physically not possible for her to do!<br><br>Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2008/07/04 15:48

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