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inside/outside cage time


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Advice needed!


My wonderful Zazu is a great guy, and wonderful to play with, and we have started to bonded a lot since he came to live with us on 06/12/08. Right now, I am a little worried.. He loves to be in his cage! On occasion he will go onto his play top, but typically he will go onto his favorite perch and hang out, play with toys, talk, eat, sleep, etc... he does everything on this perch! No, I am not having "cage envy" ;) but I am worried that he isn't getting enough outside cage time.



When I try to bring him outside of the cage (which is often), it's a constant battle. He steps up really nice, but then quickly grabs the cage bars with his beak, as if changing his mind suddenly! Then he tries to bite me and refuse to come out. He does this all the time, and there has not been a single time whening. There has not been one time where I have tried to get him to come out and he has not resisted. He always puts up a fight. I have tried letting him stay there, there has been times I have just brought him out (ignoring the fact that he is biting), and many more. I have looked online into this, but was wondering if anyone has actual experience with this.


Also, when he is outside of his cage,if the cage is within sight or walking distance, he tried to go to it.


Any advice?{Nature-00020095}

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I would leave him, if he doesn't want to come out don't force him he will start to hate you for it. When he is biting you he is trying to tell you something (he doesn't want to come out) and you are not listening. Respect his wish not to come out, but that doesn't mean he won't come out.


If you want him to come out you have to make it fun for him to come out, to the point where he can't resist it and comes out by himslef. Watch what his favourite things are in the cage and have those outside, use his favourite treats to entice him out of the cage. Sit near his cage with all his favourite toys and make a big fuss over them like you are having so much fun and leave the door open. There will come a point where his curiosity will get the better of him and he will come out.


Let him decide to come out, your job is to make it so irresistible that the reward for coming out of the cage is so much bigger than staying in the cage.

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Jane has offered some great advice.Many greys love their cages & can get very territorial over them,his cage is his space & he obviously feels very secure & content when he is in it.As Jane suggests you have to entice him out ;)


poppyparrot if you can get your grey to step up gently apply a little pressure over the toes with your thumb,cup the wings with your other hand & back in the cage accompanied with loads of praise & the occasional food reward ;)

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Poppetparrot the same thing applies with going back in the cage. You have to make the reward for going in worth it. We have also had problems ours going back in the cage and not once have we even forced them in. Yes I have sat there for 20-30 min wondering if they will ever go in and been late for work numerous times.


We always use their favourite treat to go back in. For our female it is a palm nut and as soon as she sees that she flies to me, I let her munch into it as I am walking her towards the cage and place her in the cage with her palm nut.


Our male is a bit harder and the treat used to change everyday, but now we are lucky he goes in easy without a treat, but I still give him something nice when he goes in.

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Jane and Tracy have provided some very good information, Zazu sees his cage as his territory, his safe haven and doesn not want to venture far from it but give him some more time and he will be less reluctant to come out and share time with his flock.


Make that time he is out fun and let him see you having fun with a few of his toys maybe on the floor to entice him to come and join you, he will eventually for his curiosity will get the better of him.

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