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Like people, Greys need their own doctor. Annual checkups are a necessity, not a luxury, so every Grey owner should budget for it. Regular exams can catch medical issues before they become acute, or advance to the "too late" stage. Better safe than sorry. :ohmy:

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Does poppy have a travel cage ? is she happy to use it ? Some greys will happily visit the vet while for others it's a bit of a trauma,the right vet will know how to handle your grey without causing her to much distress,she may be a little cross with you after the visit but it wont last long,a few favourite treats & she will forgive you.

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My birds don't like going to the vet either but is like taking a bath it has to be done so you do regardless of wheather they like it or not. I have a wonderful Vet that is very good with my birds and me for that matter. She makes it as least stressfull as she possibly can. I have to have a woman vet because Fergie hates men with a passion she would never allow a man to come near her in any way. I guess something happened with her previous owner to cause this but No man will ever be able to touch that bird without getting a lot of stiches.



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yes poppy has a travel cage, she dosnt dislike it, but i am sure she would rather fly about instead of sitting in it! lol


Do most of you parrot owners have a doctor that has dealt with parrots before, because i doubt weather doctors where i live have ever delt with a parrot, so this is a bit worrying. :( :(

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Does anyone live in my area that can suggest a vet within a couple of hours? I've brought my birds in for wellness checks, but I can't say I've dealt with anyone that I thought was GREAT. I live in the Hudson Valley area of NY. 1 1/2 hours south of Albany and about the same distance north of NYC. 45 minutes east of Danbury, CT. Any suggestions? I would prefer going to someone that is recommended vs picking a Dr. off a list!





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Lauri, I live on the opposite coast but I found my vet on the AAV site and she is good. There are more than 30 listed in New York state, several board certified. Maybe you could see which ones are closest to you and ask about those specific ones. Sorry I'm not good enough on the computer to forward the list to you. I, too, would rather have personal recommendations but this worked for me. kittykittykitty:)

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