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Tyco is really starting to love taking a bath


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Ever since I started putting Tyco in the bathtub to bath her instead of spraying her she seems to love it I ask her if she wants to have a bath and she raises her foot so she can step up and then reaches in for a kiss. its so cute then Off to the bathroom I put the plug in and let the bathtub fill a bit then turn on the hand held shower she loves it she opens her wings so she can get herself wet in the tub water and I spray her back and the top of her head she really enjoys her bath that way she use to hate taking a bath with the spray bottle and cower in the corner of her cage and be so scared. I'm so glad I foudd a way that she likes. I was so afraid of loseing her trust forever the other way now its so easy. I bath all my birds like that now Mr. Magoo actually runs back and forth under the running tap its so cute.



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Yeah I will next time I give her a bath I gave her one yesterday so tomorrow she will have another one. I give her a bath three times a week. I figure since she gets really wet right to the skin that proubuly enough I don't want to dry out her skin from to many baths. she doesn't get any aloe vera gel when I bath her this way to help moisterize her skin.



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