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when do congo african grey parrots start talking


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Greytness he was tested for many things but I have never heard of asper. I will have to look it up. He copies several sounds, barks like my dogs, copies me when I make different sounds. Recently copied me saying ow (sp like ouch) and sounds like he's trying to imitate me laughing. I love him sooo much! We are so bonded. Do these things make it sound like he might talk again?

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  • 4 months later...

My Ziggy is now 2 years and 1 month old. He copys tons of sounds and noises but that's it. When he was 3 to 5 months old he said a few words, then never did again. What does everyone think the chance is that he will talk some day? And is there a certain age that if they don't say any words, they never will?

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I can't speak for all grey's, but Alfie tends to pick and choose what words and phrases he wants to learn and also picks and chooses what words and phrases he will forget and never use again.

He used to say "oi! put the kettle on!" and "nag nag nag!" (courtesy of my dad) but he doesn't use those any more and despite my dad's best efforts whenever he sees him, Alfie doesn't seem to want to relearn them.

Alfie always favours noises and sounds over words. He is still picking up odd words from time to time but he will learn sounds a lot quicker and will repeat them with gusto. He does mumble from time to time (when he thinks I can't hear him) so it sounds like he is trying to practice and learn other words. But it takes him a long time to actually learn words. He is 17 years old.

It might be worth looking up some videos about how others train their birds to talk to see if they have any tips and tricks. There are probably certain ways you can encourage a grey to talk... but you also need to bear in mind that some are just not big talkers.

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I don't think there is a time limit on it. Timber talks, but he also prefers whistles and noises. Since I'm a rehomer, I can't say when he started talking, he was about 6 years when I got him. He does pick new things up, but sometimes after a few uses you don't hear them again. Other things, like his name, he says often and in different voices. Why he picks up the phrases he does I don't know, but they seem to be words or phrases said with emotion or emphasis (not all but most). I think that's why they pick up curse words quickly, much like a toddler.

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