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First time outside


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i have just had poppy out side in her travel cage for the first time, she was a bit stressed and that is understandable being in a cage she hasn't been in that much. The last time we had her in it was earlier in the year and she tried to chew through the bars.

Last time we went outside i put her on the leader and she hated it, bit me and drew blood. So i went for the caged approach this time and i suppose it went ok. Can anyone advise me on what to do differently next time i take her out, so she will relax and enjoy it more?


Also your story's of having your birds outside for the first time would be good.




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Tyco's first time outside didn't go very well either I put her in the cage that she was in for the first 4 yrs of her life. thinking mabie that would help her to settle more but she wasn't very happy we only stayed out for tem minate and then i brought her in



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Guest Skuffy



Max loves going outside,,,But i would advise it without a harness..This was back in my Silly Days,,






Max on walk-about...He has been clipped,but he can still fly..So i don't do this any-more...I have a Big Cage for him out-side now..<br><br>Post edited by: Skuffy, at: 2008/06/23 16:42

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Guest Skuffy

I take Max everywhere...he even comes to Tesco Shopping late at night.Loves the car,,I take him to my M8s with me..

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Steven you wouldn't want to take the risk of losing them and they can fly some even with clipped wings, best to take them out in a small travel cage or on some kind of harness and leash.


I have taken Josey outside in a small cage and she did ok with it, of course I take her with on occasion, sometimes to work.B)

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We took our 2 outside for the first time about 3 weeks ago, in their cage that is. They absolutely loved it.


What we did was threaded branches through the top of the cage on one side that acted like a shelter just in case they got scared and wanted to hide somewhere. We also put other branches around for them to chew on. We also put them on a table so that they were higher up and could look around and feel safe.


One of our greys sat in the sun sleeping while our male sat under the shade and talked. Other birds landed near them and they just looked at them and continued catching a few rays and chewing their branches.

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Dayo was first outside at about 5 Months old (barring the car rides from 12 weeks to 16 weeks, between the breeders and our house for short 3 hour visits.)with an Aviator harness on. He went out on my shoulder, harness attached, we walked around the backyard and pool SLOWLY, I could feel his Talons digging in and him pressing against the side of my head as we passed shrubs and trees around the pool. He did well until, we walked past a hanging Iron incense burner, jumped off flying, of course going in circles around me like a model airplane. I gently got a hold of him and took him back over to our patio and then just sat and reassured him as he took in the view, made little "Gasps" like "Whats That" checking it out profusely with one eye focused on a blowing tree, bush, bird flying over etc.


You must consider, when you take you bird outside the first time, everything "Lights Up" for them in a color range they are not used to seeing. This is because inside your home there is no UVA or UVB wave lengths of light. The Sun provides those wave lengths in abundance and things they are perhaps used to seeing now appear completely different with "Fluoresced" colors we can not see. Then count in all the strange noises, smells and objects they have never encountered before and it is truly a walk through a very strange new world for them.


But, once the initial shock is over, they really do love it outside and look forward to going out whether in a Cage, Aviary or attached to a harness. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/06/25 14:54

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Well, outside trips has been one of my success storys with Dorian. He's been out with me 5 times in the 17 1/2" square, 28" high cage I have. The first couple of times he was very quiet, hardly moving, eating nothing, and I spent most of the time sitting right beside his telling him what everything and every noise was. Yesterday I took him to the garden in the back and talked to him while I worked. He was soon chatting back, stretching, shredding his toy, ringin his bell, and "talking back" to some wildbirds. Didn't think much of our local crow's calls, but then again, neither do I!


I've never put him out in the middle of a space. He's always sheltered on at least one, preferably two, sides, and I've had either a canopy or the house eaves sheltering him from above. He still doesn't think much of the process of getting him outside, because the cage is awkward for me to carry smoothly, but I think he's figuring out that outside can be a good thing!

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Thats the problem I have with Tyco I don't really think its being outside that she objects to its the prosess of getting her out there to begin with. the cage I use for outside is about 20"X 20" and about 4' tall so I put her in it and then I have to drag it over the door sill onto the sun deck she hates that part once outside she does seem to settle a little but everything is so new to her My Amazon on the other hand just loves it as soon as I say do you want to go outside she flys the entire length of my mobile home to get to the sundeck at the other end she perches herself on top of the going outside cage and says hurryup hurryup until I get there my house is 1500 sq ft and its quite a long distance she really does get a good work out flying around here least I don't have to worry about her getting to fat. I wish Tyco would fly but I don't think she was ever allowed to fledge and then she barbered her flight feathers after her first bad clip so I don't know if she will ever fly at 5 yrs old she may be to afraid to try.


Animation1.gif<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/06/25 21:39

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