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Potty Training


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I wanted to see how you Potty Trained your AG -


I'm trying to praise her everytime she goes on the cage or on her stand and then take her to play, but it just doesnt seem like its catching on, she just wants her head scratched and lay upside down.

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My greys are trained to go on command. I can put them on their stand and tell them to go and they will, but they still poop at will all over the place as well! I trained them by putting them on the stand as soon as I take them out of the cage and telling them to go, when they do I praise them and take them off the stand. Now they understand what they need to do to get off the stand.


It isnt an exact science, but there are lots of threads about potty training you could have a read of :P

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Hi, i have now got mine pritty much trained. Siobha is right in that they nearly always poo as soon as they come out of the cage so take them to the desired place. (mine is a cat litter tray)

Look out for the signals, Harry (my 5 month grey) rubs his beak alot when he wants to go either on me or the perch he is on. Before he goes he will shuffle backwards try grabbingg him and getting him there before he goes and lots of praise and a treat when he does it right.

he still wont fly there on his own thou (lazy bird)

hope this essay helps

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Guest Skuffy

Most Greys won't Poo in there cage,there a very clean Birdie.But the first Bomb is in the morning soon as u let your Bird out, he/she will move away from were they sleep and Drop there morning Poo....Thats the time to weigh him aswell.....I place a catch tray under were max goes to Poo...he won't Poo on his Play stand as he eats his meals there aswell...As for Pooing on me..Its very rare...But when hes on Walk-about he will poo anywhere...lol{Nature-00020095}<br><br>Post edited by: Skuffy, at: 2008/06/23 14:11

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i am the same as 90%of you on this one, i had a lot of problems in the first few months, but you just got to keep at it. Even if they do poo on the floor before you have had chance to pick them up, put them on the toilet (mine is the play stand), and still say the poop command even though they just did it on the floor, and say well done, take them off, keep a close eye on them, then next time try to get them onto the toilet ASAP say the poop command, then say well done, give them a scratch or a stroke. Repeat until they learn...


Poppy doesn't fly to the toilet but if i put her there and say "go to the toliet" she will go.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I watched Monkey (my four-month-old) until i found out how often he goes and when he's due for a poo, ill take him to the spot and tell him to go poop and tell him that after he goes, too. Then i say Yay! and Good! things like that and give him a scratch. He still goes wherever he pleases, but i try to catch him when he's about to go anyway, and that helps a bit....

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  • 1 month later...

Well I have several questions:


1. If Greys do not like to poo in their cage, what is wrong with my grey he will poo anywhere? ( more of a joke)


2. I have done some looking into potty training and believe there are some specific things to take into concideration before you choose a place or method to train your companion.


I was reading how this guy could paper train your bird in something like a week. I thought wow a week is good and there would be no more messes ( at least less). I continued to read up on the subject and found that several families have lost or almost lost their greys to potty training mishaps. When I read this I kind of laughed until I got to the why or how. Our birds are creatures of habit. I am sure if we have not figured it out yet we soon will. So if I train my bird to only go on this piece of paper there is a potential problem if I happen to be somewhere that that paper is not available ( like traveling).


I am not sure how true or exact this problem can be but this could kill a bird that waits to poo for a specific place or material.


Please don't think I know what I am talking about, because I do not, This is just a concern that I thought might be good for discussion. I would love not to have to clean the carpet as often but want to make sure I am not opening up a door to potential problems or issues later on down the road for something that I can replace if need be. I can not replace my BoBo.



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  • 2 weeks later...

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