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Dayo Eats Spaghetti


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Glad you guys enjoyed it..... even though he stopped once the video camera came out. :-)


Terri - Jake is a Peach Front Conure. B)


The sauce was added when we sat down to eat. At which point, Dayo assumed his eating position on my shoulder, I lift my plate so he can reach it, and we both then chow down.


He loves Spaghetti and really goes after the pieces of extra lean 7% hamburger...... go figure, he thinks he's a T-Rex. ;-)


Thanks for the tips on Ravioli and other pasta types. Thats good food and I give them a shot too.


He does love lasanga also, with tons of cheese, but what a mess my face and shoulder are when he gets done. :S<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/06/22 13:40

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Guest Skuffy

lol..danmcq T-Rex..Just remember tho..the Salt in the hamburger:woohoo: ...Max is a Pasta Birdie..he loves it and Spag-Bol,,but i just give him the sauce no-meat..

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Ok, that is something I haven't been able to master - namely to let Bella eat while on my shoulder. I try, but she ends up cleaning her beak on me, and then she flings and food ends up in my face! So, I try to let her eat from the edge of my plate, and that usually goes well. Are you just putting up with the mess or is Dayo better mannered then Bella?? :P

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Dayo is so cute. And so typical. Why is it that our birds want to make liars of us? As soon as we take out a camera to record their hilarious goings on, they stop whatever they were doing! :laugh:


Oh an I'm with Terri on the eating thing, IF I let Liath at my dinner, she sits on the table and uses the edge of my plate... I can't be having pasta sauce in my hair, its not like I can change THAT when I am finished eating:P

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I'm with you Siobhan, maybe Dan can go take a shower and change his clothes, wash his hair while he is at it but it's not that easy for us women, its more involved as we have to take great pains with our hair, has to be styled just right.;)


I allow Josey to eat from my plate but it is on the kitchen counter so I don't end up with much of it on me. Maybe Dan will post us a pic of what he looks like after the fest the next time that Dayo has spaghetti, will ya Dan, you man enough for that:whistle:

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LOL - Your all whacked!! :P


I'll see what I can do for a photo after Dayo is done slinging and wiping his beak all over me. :-)


BTW - I don't let Dayo eat mushy stuff like Yams, juicy Fruits sitting on me. Those are Kitchen only items that makes for easy clean up. :-)

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Now that you mention them, ah ah ah never mind, what was I talking about, oh yeah the marbles, I got all of mine, opps, what was that rolling across the floor, oh my it looks kinda roundish............jeez:blink: :S




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you have to be a short of something to put up with these guys sometime Í have five other birds besides Tyco and it take me twice as long to clean her cage as it take me to clean all of the other birds she is such a slob. She makes pellet soup constantly poops all over the bars of her cage even in her empty food dishes sometimes throws food everywhere. all my other birds are so well behaved I wash their grates and change the papers and the cage is clean. I wish Tyco was that easy.



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