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I'm not the favorite person


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Hi Everyone


Ive read a few posts about how Greys choose a favorite person... Well Shani chose my boyfriend. I have known for awhile and it hasn't really bothered me too much, I love her to bits anyway. I am the one that cleans the cage and perch and makes sure she eats properly and always has fresh water. I do all the research and she is a very happy bird, well she is happy when my boyfriend is around.


The problem is that Shani refuses to Step up for me unless my boyfriend is in the room and any attempt to scratch her head, she lowers it to lure me in, results in a bite. She is perfectly cuddly towards him.


I've tried bonding with her in a few ways, using advice I've found here and in the numerous parrot behavior books I've read, and nothing has helped.


Is it possible that she will just never like me? :unsure: Has anyone been in this situation?

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Just keep doing what your doing and spend as much one on one time with Shani as possible. Offer treats and try stepping her up while she has the treat in her mouth or offer the treat and as she steps up on your hand, say "good girl" in a very happy and excited when then give her the treat as a reward.


It will take trail and error along with more patience, but you'll get there. :-)


The other option would be to bar your boy friend for life from your house and have private meetings elsewhere ;-)

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Well I'm not sure if anyone has actually tried it yet :laugh:


So do us a favour and keep a diary of the entire process, we can document it and use it as a reference for all other one person birds that we meet :P


Tell your B/f its for the good of science and the grey community in general :P

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Well my boyfriend is going to the UK for two weeks and I will be alone with Shani.


I'm a little nervous cause she so obviously dislikes me, but if our relationship improves in those two weeks we will know if kicking him out is the solution :evil: :whistle:

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I was told that Tyco was strickly a mans bird so I've totally proved that wrong and if she did prefer men over women why did she pick me as soon as we metJust because she likes your boyfriend doesn't mean she can't change her mind. They say greys change who their favorite when they reach adult hood anyway



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Our second grey doesn't like me either, so I know what it is like. My boyfriend went away for 10 days recently and I thought oh no here we go. Anyway she had no choice but to get along with me. It actually went really well and in that time I did heaps of step up training. She even let me scratch her head one night for like 2 minutes which has never happened before.


The one advantage I had though is our male grey who loves me, so she saw us playing and doing stuff and got jealous and would fly down to join in the fun.

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